
Op 30 september1948 vertrok ms. Moeda met een handvol Nederlandse bemanning van Ellesmereport naar Indië.
Onderweg werd het schip meerdere malen vermist, omdat het radiocontact verbroken was.
Na Aden kreeg men op de Indische oceaan motorpech en moest men noodgedwongen naar Aden terugkeren.
Na een wekenlange reparatie vertrok men opnieuw richting Pladjoe.
Ook tijdens die reis werd het radiocontact verbroken en was het schip wekenlang vermist.
Na 137 reisdagen kwam het schip eindelijk aan op de plek van bestemming. Aan boord was o.a. Scheepswerktuigkundige Hauwer.
De heer Hauwer werd uiteindelijk HWTK bij Shell Tankers en gaf na zijn pensionering nog een aantal jaren les op de Hogere Zeevaartschool in Vlissingen.

Foto's beschikbaar.

Bron Publ. Dat. Datum Plaats Reisdagen Zeemijlen Gem. Snelheid knopen
Opgeleverd 23-9-1948 Northwich UK
De Maasbode 30-9-1948 25-9-1948 Ellesmereport
Trouw 2-10-1948 29-9-1948 Liverpool
Trouw 4-10-1948 29-9-1948 Liverpool
De Waarheid 2-10-1948 29-9-1948 Liverpool
Overijsselsch dagblad 2-10-1948 29-9-1948 Liverpool
Trouw 11-10-1948 8-10-1948 Gibraltar 13 1491 4,8
De Waarheid 12-10-1948 8-10-1948 Gibraltar
Het Vrije Volk 11-10-1948 8-10-1948 Gibraltar
Gooi en Eemlander 20-10-1948 16-10-1948 Gibraltar
De Nederlander 21-10-1948 16-10-1948 Kaap Bon (Tunesië) gepasseerd
De Waarheid 19-10-1948 16-10-1948 Kaap Bon (Tunesië)
Het Vrije Volk 19-10-1948 16-10-1948 Kaap Bon (Gibraltar - Aden)
De Tijd 27-10-1948 24-10-1948 Port Said 16 2271 5,9
Trouw 27-10-1948 24-10-1948 Port Said
Trouw 12-10-1948 24-10-1948 Port Said
De Volkskrant 28-10-1948 25-10-1948 Port Said
De Waarheid 5-11-1948 2-11-1948 Suez 8 81
De Volkskrant 5-11-1948 3-11-1948 Suez
De Nederlander 6-11-1948 3-11-1948 Suez
Trouw 5-11-1948 3-11-1948 Suez
Het Vrije Volk 4-11-1948 3-11-1948 Suez
De Volkskrant 17-11-1948 13-11-1948 Aden 10 1436 6,0
Nieuws van het Noorden 16-11-1948 13-11-1948 Aden
De Maasbode 16-11-1948 13-11-1948 Aden
De Volkskrant 24-11-1948 19-11-1948 Aden
De Waarheid 24-11-1948 19-11-1948 Aden
Het Vrije Volk 23-11-1948 19-11-1948 Aden
Trouw 24-11-1948 21-11-1948 Guardafui, Kaap, Somalië
De Waarheid 29-11-1948 24-11-1948 Aden - teruggekeerd - Machineschade 5
De Tijd 29-11-1948 24-11-1948 Aden - terugg. - machinesch.
Het Vrije Volk 27-11-1948 24-11-1948 Aden
Het Vrije Volk 29-11-1948 24-11-1948 Aden terug met schade
Het Vrije Volk 21-12-1948 18-12-1948 Aden
Trouw 22-12-1948 18-12-1948 Aden
Trouw 23-12-1948 18-12-1948 Aden
De Waarheid 22-12-1948 18-12-1948 Aden
Het Parool 5-2-1949 29-1-1949 Sabang
Het Vrije Volk 4-2-1949 2-2-1949 Penang
De Maasbode 12-2-1949 9-2-1949 Pladjoe 53 4195 3,3
Het Vrije Volk 12-2-1949 9-2-1949 Van Balik Papan te Pladjoe
Ellesmereport -Pladjoe 137 9474
I was in the small boat rescued by Gadinia on July of 1978. We lived in the barracks of Brunei’s army for almost a year. Saw the post from Thuan Nguyen. Couldn’t recall anyone that name.
We would all death of hunger if the Gadinia didn’t found us. Gave us a chance to live until now.
Greatly appreciated.
Hi all. I served on SS Hemisinus back in the early 70's I was only 19 but saw a lot of Vietnam and Simgapore. would love to catch up with any one who was there. my email is
thanks all in anticipation
Hi, my name is Doug. Bee,second steward with Shell,I sailed on Hanetia,Helcion,vitta,Haustellum,Dorcasia,Naticina,MEGARA and finally Murex, with I could do it all again.

Hello Everyone,

Just researching my dad's merchant Navy history as he has passed. I was gifted a wooden ore that has all the ships he sailed on. The ore was used to help a stranded crew that was in the water. I know he was at sea from 1969 until the late '70s. I will list the ships I know of and if anyone can assist me with any information or how to claim his records that would mean the world to me.

Graham Bamsey

All the best, ya old sea dogs!

s.s Hyria
s.s Axina
s.s Haustrum
r.f.a Regent
r.f.a Olmeda
s.f.s Jamaica
s.f.s Barbados
l.r.t.c Eminence
m.v Canopic
Can't get through via your contact page Kees.
I served on Hindsia in Indonesian waters shortly after the bombing of San Flaviano. It certainly put Shell on high alert! I'm writing up my seagoing experiences and would like to publish the picture you have of Flaviano underway against a hilly background. Do you have copyright of this photo or can you tell me who does? My book is not going to be a big seller but it should be an interesting account of seafaring at that time. An era long gone.
Look forward to hearing from you.

Len Wilson
I try to send you a mail, but i get this message: You must enter a valid e-mail address.
Beste Kees. Ik heb in 1980 op de Zafra gevaren als Radio Officier. In zware storm op zoek naar overlevenden van de Alexander Kielland. Technisch personeel van het Auk platform aan de relingen als lookouts. 72 uur nood verkeer, kapitein en ik niet kunnen slapen. Heb er fotos van. Hoe kan ik die uploaden ? hartelijke groet, Rob Loos

I have a couple of colour slides of Argentinian (?) Shell bunker barges you may be interested in but I can't send a message via the contact form.

Plse e-mail me if of interest,
I am trying to details of Michael Willmott. He sailed with Eagle Oil Transport 1926-30, presumably as an Apprentice. Have details of two trips in ss SAN UGON.

Can anyone give any information about this ship or Willmott please?

Robin Knight


I'm researching about Maritime radiocommunication and looking for specific information about Shell morse company radio nets (not communication with coastal stns but intership morse net). I need frequencies and schedules used in various periods (as I found most active in 1960s-1970s) and also some traffic examples. I also looking for sample radiotelegrams from various ships in my program. Can you help?

My simulator about Radiotelegraphy is hobby non commercial program and also cover Maritime Radiotelegraphy.
Pls see:

Since British Fleet was biggest one a lot of British ships are 'on the air' in my program.
If you can add some interesting radio traffic to my program pls contact me.
My email:

Best Regards

Amateur Radio callign HF8V
Alex Betham 4th engineer sailed inthe early 70s
Looking for any enginer who was on hyria when we were mined in Saigon