deck apprentice

Name Tanker Period Details
Mike Sadler HINNITES 1966
David Treasure NEVERITA (1) 1953 to 1954 1st trip,
Les Albrow HYDATINA 1966 5th ship. Joined in Curacao after flying from London to New York to Curacao and then a pilot boat to the ship. 04/11/1966 arrived in Teesport but 2 days prior, ran aground in the Tees and finally paid off on the 6th.
Les Albrow HAMINEA (1) 1964 3rd ship. Transferred from Plagiola to Haminea in Curacao with other apprentices and sailed to Thameshaven via Rotterdam to be paid off.
Les Albrow AULICA 1965 4th ship. Anchored off Santo Domingo 25th April 1965. The Dominican Civil War started the day before. Observed street fighting and shelling of the palace. Observed US Destroyers evacuating the city and 29th US Marines landing on beach.
Les Albrow ALUCO 1964 My 1st trip after leaving Plymouth navigation school. Was seasick for the first time en route to Stavangar, Norway.
Les Albrow PLAGIOLA 1964 2nd ship. Tar carrying ship. Between Curucao and US East Coast encountered many hurricanes. Towed to repair berth at Hoboken due to stripped turbine.
Colin Sandeman HINNITES 1964 to 1965 1st trip Deck Apprentice. Black oil, changed to White oil, Trans Atlantic, Carribean & USA
Colin Sandeman VENASSA (1) 1966 to 1967 The only ship on which I crossed the Pacific .
Colin Sandeman HAMINELLA 1965 2nd trip apprentice
richardflack HEMISINUS 1972 1st trip as an apprentice. First long haul flight and first visit to Singapore and Nha Be/Saigon
Peter Pearson HINDSIA 1963 to 1964 Decent trip, unfortunately had to pay off in Copenhagen after about 6 months on board to go to MAR at Plymouth which I hated.
Peter Pearson HAMINEA (1) 1961 to 1962 1st trip, joined in Immingham, paid off seriously ill in Banias a year later. Flew home from Beruit after 3 weeks in hospital in Latakia,
Peter Pearson SAN GERARDO (2) 1963
Desmond Doyle SAN ROBERTO 1942 to 1943 1st trip - 17 years old.
Desmond Doyle 1944 1st ship into Cherbourg after liberation in 1944.
Peter M. Bailey HYALA 1957 to 1958 12 months onboard. My 4th. ship.
Peter M. Bailey NEVERITA (1) 1956 My first trip. All Chinese crew except the officers.
Jack Beaumont NERITOPSIS 1955
Jack Beaumont FLAMMULINA (1) ex. EMPIRE INDUSTRY 1954 to 1955
Jack Beaumont NEAERA 1952 to 1954
David Holden NATICINA (2) 1982 Made redundant with all my mates. Joined NOL/APL Singapore (Tankers)
Mike Parkin TOMOGERUS ex. SWAN ISLAND 1957 to 1958 2nd. Ship. Joined Cardiff d/d. Broke down two days out and towed into Falmouth...Somebody telling me something? Jonah? Subsequently sailed for Cardon.
Mike Parkin HAUSTELLUM 1957 1st ship...joined Jarrow, left Falmouth layup. Only 10 days on board!
Michael Mancey CAPISTERIA 1962 to 1963 1st trip
Andy Perry PARTULA 1963 1st trip
Robin Newlands ... VOLSELLA (2) 1957 to 1958
David Spud Murphy VOLSELLA (2) 1962 to 1963
Christopher Ste... HAMINEA (1) 1964 to 1965
Michael Mancey HYDATINA 1965 to 1966
David Warren HOROMYA 1959 to 1960
Peter Hills Redfern ACHATINA (2) 1964 to 1965
Peter Hills Redfern HEMIDONAX (2) ex. SAN FLORENTINO 1965
Tony Henbrey LABIOSA (1) 1949 to 1950
David Rogers HARPULA 1956 to 1957
Colin C. Edwards NORRISIA (1) 1956 to 1957 1st trip
Alan Watson HINEA 1965
Alan Watson VELLETIA 1967
Alan Watson HEMISINUS 1966 to 1967
Roger Poulton DILOMA (1) 1956 to 1957
James Alan Collinge ARIANTA (1) 1961 to 1962
Michael Kemp ALUCO 1959 to 1960 1st trip
Michael Kemp VELUTINA 1961
Michael Kemp HOROMYA 1961 to 1962 1st trip
Henry Edmunds TOMOCYCLUS ex. CAPITOL REEF 1952 to 1954
Frank Todd SOLEN (2) 1961 to 1962
Michael Kemp ALUCO 1959 to 1960 1st trip, I am now master of Pride of Hull
Laurie Attwood SAN VELINO 1957 to 1958
Paul Munns ALUCO 1959 to 1960 1st trip