
Name Tanker Period Details
Lars Einar Oesterboe TENAGA EMPAT 1978 to 1982 i was not on board . . inn stavanger when the ship staye for 4-5 year i where supervicer for all work done on board
Luc Biesheuvel NISO (2) 1965 to 1966 woonde jaar in japan om bouw namens shell te begeleiden.
John Melville 1990 to 1994 operations supervisor latterly oim
Ali Abdi Hassan KAYESON 1956 to 1980 boss
John Melville MEDORA 1990 to 1995 operations supervisor oim on Fulmar FSU
Peter Reemeyer LANISTES 2002 to 2003 data managment/inventory supervisor
Ignacio Rodriguez 1995 to 2002 operations manager
Giles Gibbs 1980 to 1982 Construction Supervisor for the construction of the mooring system
Yvon Le Men 1982 to 1991 general team leader/mechanical supervisor
Yvon Le Men MUREX (3) 1982 to 1991 general team leader/mechanical supervisor/adviser
Herbert Rintoul ERODONA (2) 1984 p.o Supervisor
Will Goudt MUREX (3) 1982 to 1984 prod.fac.supervisor (TAZERKA, Tunesie