
Name Tanker Period Details
Kallah Samaila LNG BONNY II 2015 to 2016
Hari Satrio Wibowo ETREMA (2) 1991
Leslie John Roberts AULICA 1978 to 1979
Philip John Daniels MYTILUS (2) 1974 to 1975
Glyn Hibbert CLUTHA RIVER 1962 to 1963
Henry Dawson Lowery NORTHIA (1) 1944 to 1946
Beryl Whincop A... CHAMA (1)
H.p.m. Oosterveer DIADEMA 1965 to 1967
Berendsen KOSICIA 1963 to 1964
George Pringle Law EL CIERVO ex. TRICENTROL 1942
Brad Youens 1999 to 2001
Ad Van Der Schagt ZAFRA (1) 1967 to 1968
Przemysaw Korze...
Glynn Turnbull VELUTINA 1964
Graham Hopkins AURIS (2) 1955 to 1956 working on it when i was in barry dock for campbell and iisherwood
Danny Van Niekerk MACTRA (2) Carried the degassing formulae on board Durban harbour jan 1970 (agent) right after the explosion (danger of second explosion)
J.c. Marckelbach VIDENA 1962 to 1963
J.c. Marckelbach KENIA 1960 to 1961
J.c. Marckelbach KOSICIA 1961 to 1962
John Stuart Armitage 1948 to 1949
Nicholas Dennis... AURIS (1) 1935 My father Fredirick Shilton Jackson was a member of the crew and I have a copy of the menu from the commissioning lunch at the Grand Hotel Trieste 20th may 1935.
Desmond Doyle SAN LEOPOLDO (2) ex. TRESUS 1949 to 1950
Mark W. Dottin MEKAINES
Daniel Ross Gibb TROCAS (2) 1953 to 1954
Paul Munns SAN FLORENTINO (2) 1960 to 1961
Anthony Leput ALUCO 1959 to 1964
Geoff Foster VALVATA ex. SAN CONRADO 1968
Russ H. Gunter 1972
Sandy Thomson 1986 to 1992 1986 -1992
Gary Lamb EBURNA (2) 1988 to 1989
John P M Cusson AMASTRA (2) 1981 to 1982
Francis D'arcy SAN FELIX 1940 Francis was a a relative of mine and I am eager to find out more information about him. He died 04/10/1940 and is Buried in Montevideo.
Mozes Schouten FELIPES (1) ex. EMPIRE TEDPORT 1978
Herman Dirkzwager KORENIA 1960
Henry Horsmans ACILA (1) 1967 to 1968
Malcolm Mahoney PLATIDIA 1963 to 1964
Derrick Benfell TAIKO 1994 to 1997 Port Agent Lyttelton
Julius Rauwendaal VIVIPARA 1968 to 1969
Melvin C. Feranil GALLINA 2015 to 2016
Dave Gowns PALUDINA (3) ex. URSHALIM 1985
Ian Wilson HIMA 1968 to 1969
George Rodgers LLANISHEN 1958
Mark Pond LEPETA 1981
Jeffrey Clark VELLETIA 1969
Jeffrey Clark METHANE PRINCESS (1) 1970
Michael S. Torres DROMUS (2) ex. MAERSK PRIME 2003
Jeff Goldup MEGARA (3) 1976 to 1979 unkown
Paul Ayers HANETIA 1975
Roger Hibberd MELANIA (2) 1974 to 1975
Stephen Herrington LUCELLUM