The website (hereinafter "Helderline") shares information about tankers (previously) owned or used by Shell and people who have memories of those ships.
The information about the tankers is maintained by Kees Helder, other information can be shared by visitors. Helderline is a private initiative and not related to Shell.
All parties who post information on Helderline do this with care. However Kees Helder does not warrant that the content of Helderline is complete, accurate and correct. Should you encounter a document or page on Helderline that you think it contains inaccurate or outdated information or wrongly inserted, we would appreciate your response very much. You can let us know via our contact form.
The information on Helderline is intended as a reference work about tankers (previously) owned or used by Shell and for general use. No rights can be derived to the information on Helderline and Kees Helder is not liable for any damage that has been or may be incurred as a result of (in) direct use of incorrect, outdated or incomplete information on Helderline, including - but not limited to - acts performed by a visitor to the platform that would dictated by the information placed on Helderline.