
Name Job Tanker Period Details
Ted Witwicki AB <- G1 DRUPA (2) 1978 A very busy ship, most of its work was lightening much bigger ships in Lyme and Seine Bays. Visted many ports in Europe.
chrisj383 4th engineer MEDORA 1978 Last ship
V G Tether Royal Navy dems rating (gunner) AGATHA 1943
Thanarat Third Mate MENA ex. DONACILLA 1985
Jan Hogewoning algemene dienst VIVIPARA 1958 Mijn 1e reis
Peter Buur apprentice engineer FICUS (2) 1986
Peter Buur apprentice deck officer DALLIA 1982 to 1983
Tony Brady electrical engineer officer MALOJA 1973 First trip in PandO.
David John Foy able seaman (grade 1) LANISTES 1978 to 1984 Lanistes
coxie 3rd engineer GENOTA (3) 1982 Sailed on her twice as 5th and 3rd Eng
Jacques Vanicatte 3rd engineer MACTRA (2) 1978 my 1st trip from 2nd may to 1st august 1978
Jacques Vanicatte 3rd engineer MACTRA (2) 1978 My 1st trip from 2nd may 1978 to 1st august 1978
Jacques Vanicatte 3rd engineer MACTRA (2) 1978 1st trip from 2nd may 1978 to 1st august 1978
Jacques Vanicatte 3rd engineer MACTRA (2) 1978 ist trip from 2nd may 1978 to 1st august 1978
Rohit Mishra Chief Eng MYRINA (3) 2020 to 2022
Rohit Mishra cargo engineer MYRINA (3) 2019
PaulFuller Navigating Cadet MELO 1972
Bill Parker chief officer DRUPA (2) 1986 My last trip to sea
Bill Parker chief officer POMELLA (2) ex. HORAMA 1985 to 1986
Bill Parker 2nd mate TRICULA (2) 1985
Bill Parker 2nd mate MENA ex. DONACILLA 1984
Bill Parker chief officer ETREMA (2) 1983 My 1st trip Chief Office
Bill Parker 2nd mate ETREMA (2) 1983
Bill Parker 2nd mate NATICINA (2) 1982
Bill Parker 2nd mate ALINDA ex. SAN ERNESTO 1981