
Completed 1960 as "AULICA" for STUK. 20-12-1984 arrived Gadani Beach for scrap. Model David Holden.

IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
18.225 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1960 to 1984
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Paul Ayers able seaman
Brian Crew 5th engineer 1960 to 1961
Brian Jeffrey C... 2nd steward 1960 to 1961
John P M Cusson 3rd officer 1961 to 1962
Pieter Koops deck apprentice 1961
Douglas Welch deck 1961 to 1962 deck s.o.s
William Bill Graham 4th engineer 1961 to 1962
Douglas Stephens apprentice engineer 1962 to 1963
Maurice Mawhinn... junior engineer 1962 to 1963
Philip G Challans Deck Boy/EDH 1962 to 1963 Joined 19/9/62 at Rotterdam paid off at Birkenhead 11/12/63
Charles Peter R... deck storekeeper/bosuns mate 1963 to 1964
Gordon Kent deck apprentice 1964 to 1965
Anonymous assistant steward 1964 to 1965
Anonymous pantryboy 1964
Eric Phillips chief officer 1965
Les Albrow deck apprentice 1965 4th ship. Anchored off Santo Domingo 25th April 1965. The Dominican Civil War started the day before. Observed street fighting and shelling of the palace. Observed US Destroyers evacuating the city and 29th US Marines landing on beach.
Bill Mullen 4th engineer 1965
Ronald E Tait Orkney assistant steward 1966 to 1967
Ted Waugh fireman 1967 to 1968
John Jones 5th engineer 1967
Derek William C... deck apprentice 1967 to 1968
Bernard Teale apprentice engineer 1967 to 1968
Peter Wilkinson engineer cadet 1967
Roger Parker 1 fireman 1968 to 1969
John Eagle steward 1968 to 1969
Alan Knight deck apprentice 1968
Stuart Crossdale fireman 1968
Richard Boughton catering boy/galley boy 1968
Terry Smart 3rd engineer 1968 to 1969
Tony Fowler catering boy/galley boy 1969 to 1970
Nigel Bicknell fireman/greaser 1969 to 1970
Vic Hubbert 2nd mate 1969 to 1970
Michael Rand 3rd engineer 1970
Alan Platt apprentice engineer 1970
Brian Boyle apprentice engineer 1970
Dave Cooper deck cadet 1970
Mike Riley 2nd engineer 1970 to 1971
Michael Battrick 2nd mate 1970 to 1972
Michael Johnston 2nd steward 1970 to 1972
Andy Payne radio officer 1971
Colin Perkins 2nd mate 1971
Roy Tubbs 3rd engineer 1971
Bernard Sayer 3rd engineer 1971 to 1972
Anonymous assistant steward 1971 to 1972
Derek Jackson 2nd engineer 1971 to 1972
Robert T. Dunbar deck cadet 1971
Mike Nicholls radio officer 1971
Stefan Laing fiver 1971 to 1972
Peter Thomas deck apprentice 1971
John Robey Efficient Deckhand (EDH) 1972 Joined ship in Liverpool 23 May 1972 signed off Liverpool 11 Oct 1972
John Haywood 5th engineer 1972
Graham Darling 1 chef kok 1972 to 1973
Peter Copeland deck cadet 1972
William Wade navigation cadet 1972
Tony Rymer junior engineer 1973
Tony Roskilly radio officer 1973 to 1974
Ron Sloggett Deck Cadet 1972 1973 First trip
Lawrence Hitchen catering boy 1973 to 1974
John Jack Raine 4th engineer 1973 to 1974
Michael Johnston 2nd cook and baker 1973 to 1974
Ian Coulman 2nd officer 1973
William Denzil ... efficient deckhand 1974
Simon Peart deck cadet 1974 to 1975
Paul Fuller navigation cadet 1974
Allen Higgins 2nd engineer 1974
Gordon Robertson 5th engineer 1974
Herbie Battye 2nd officer 1974
Robert Currie 5th engineer 1974
Robin Campbell-... 2nd engineer officer 1975
Paul Anthony Wraight engineering apprentice 1975
Chris Spencer chief officer 1975 to 1976
Andy House engineer cadet 1975
Martin Owen deck cadet 1975 to 1976
Verner Haidak radio officer 1976 to 1978
Bob Marshall 2nd mate 1976
Jim Cooper 5th engineer 1976
Ian Coulman chief officer 1976
David Andrews 3rd engineer 1976 to 1977
David Neil Jones 5th engineer 1976 to 1977
Joe Collins 3rd mate 1976 First trip as 3/O. Joined in drydock in Cardiff in Mar 76 and left in Shellhaven in Jul 76
Kev Gregory deck cadet 1976
Dave Freeman 3rd mate 1976 to 1977
Alan Burns radio officer 1977 to 1978
Richard Entwistle 3rd engineer 1977
Nigel Lehmann-taylor deck cadet 1977 to 1978
Francis Geary 5th engineer 1977
Paul Fuller 2nd mate 1978
Leslie John Roberts unknown 1978 to 1979
Mick Common efficient deckhand 1978
Verner Haidak radio officer 1978 to 1979
David Holden deck apprentice 1978 to 1979
John Peter Hunter 5th engineer 1978
Brian Mcglinchey 2nd cook 1978
Eric John Rowlands junior ordinary seaman 1978
Kevin Mason catering boy 1978
Paul Hill able seaman 1979 to 1980
John Rose chief officer 1979 to 1980
Graham Walden 2nd engineer 1979
Charles Stobbart catering offficer 1979
Gordon Robertson 3rd engineer 1979 to 1980
Mark Hughes 3rd mate 1979
Brian Stone 3rd engineer 1979
Andrew Reilly deck cadet 1980
Ian Bishop 3rd engineer 1980
Simon Maasz cadet 1980
Steven Oakley junior ordinary seaman 1980
Mark Webb deck cadet 1980
Andrew Selway radio officer 1980
Carl Ainsley engineer cadet 1980
Tony Jones deck cadet 1980
Ash Bowron deck apprentice 1980
Shaun Bromwell deckhand 1981 to 1982
Peter Davidson 2nd mate 1981
Terry Crook 3rd engineer 1981
Des Brookes catering offficer 1981 to 1982
Sandy Dawson catering boy 1981 to 1982
Paul Crouch 5th engineer 1981
Mike Kenny deck cadet 1981
Frank Parrett F... fireman 1981
Ian Wishart galley rat 1981
Roger Roue chief engineer 1981 to 1982
Craig Douglas 5th engineer 1981
Stephen Osborne deck cadet 1981
David Gowns engineer cadet 1982
Joseph Zerafa 3rd mate 1982 to 1983
Steve Harding radio officer 1982 to 1983
DanielBrown able seaman 1982
Rob Robeznieks steward 1982
Wayne Barry deck cadet 1982
Erick Weston Fourth Engineer 1983 Joined Dubai, left Port Louis
Donald Macready 5th engineer 1983
Mark Sansom able seaman (grade 2) 1983
Eamon Mullin 3rd mate 1983 to 1984
Colin Williamson 2nd engineer 1983
Simon Holt 1 2nd mate 1983
Thomas Malcolm ... 3rd engineer 1983
Paddy Howard engineer cadet 1983
Mike Ford radio officer 1983 to 1984
Roy Halsall pumpman 1983
Geoffrey Forster 2 chef kok 1983 to 1984
Jonathan Rushton chief officer 1983
John Arnott 2nd officer 1984
Mark Mansell engineer cadet 1984
Mark W. Dottin motorman 1984 went to scrap
Roy Halsall pumpman 1984
Clifford Pratley 2nd steward 1984


Date Visitor Anecdote
05/30/2014 - 17:32 Martin Owen

One of the deck hands Patrick Murphy ( yes paddy murphy) broke his arm during sailing around Venezuela he was to be sent home from the next port which I think was Maracaibo. Unfortunately the guards on the quayside we only expecting one chap to leave the ship but another hand was carrying his bag for him - well he did have a broken arm. The guards attempted to open fire on them as they were not responding to their whistles. Well whistles on a quay who would believe it! Anyway the second officer on the bridge saw what was about to take place and sounded the ships typhoon to warn the crew on the quayside. The poor chap painting the funnel was not impressed.
On return to Rotterdam the ships deck opened up a 'bolt contained' crack during the big storms of Dec 1975. We all had life vests on and expected to abandon ship if required. Lucky we didn't as during the next safety inspection the inspector put his foot through my rotten life boat. The same life boat I had just changed the ships biscuits only weeks before.
Tough life for a 16 year old but went in a boy and came out a man - particularly as the 3rd mate had paid 'Bunny' $20 to deflower in South America.

03/26/2014 - 11:28 Anonymous

joined the aulica in middlesbro we ran up and the norwegian coast for weeksit wasfreezing does any body remember mike the 2nd steward he had been on the ship for years hewas still there when ileft

09/02/2013 - 18:19 Shaun Bromwell

Best trip of my career. Very happy 'party-minded' crew. Best bunch of pirates I ever sailed with. West Indies and South pacific run, we mustered for the Falklands flotilla in Curacao. Deemed to be too old we ran lubes and fuel to the north and west coast of south America until the conflict ended. Probably the most unpopular ship in any south American port we had our ropes cut at night and supported the troops by bar brawling with pro-Aregentine natives everywhere else besides Wilemstad and Valpariso. Fantasic crew, great morale, brilliant memories.
