
Completed 1978 as "ETREMA" for STUK. 1989 as "ETREMA" to Shell Tankers Rotterdam. 1994 sold Adiamo Star Valetta and renamed Rosa. 2000 sold Reen Oceanways Gibraltar and renamed Rosa T. 2003 sold Pointos Navigation Piraeus and renamed Pontos. 2003 sold Waterfront Panama and renamed Atlantica I. 12-7-2006 arrived Chittagong for scrap.

Also known as
Rosa T
Atlantica I
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
30.990 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1978 to 1994
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Allen Higgins extra 2nd engineer 1978 to 1979 motor time
Derek Fleetwood 3rd engineer 1978
Jon Welford 3rd mate 1978 to 1979
Robin Buncombe 2nd engineer 1978 to 1979
Colin Mckay 3rd officer 1978 to 1979
Frank Robertson chief engineer 1978 to 1981
Roger Roue 2nd engineer 1979
Francis Geary 5th engineer 1979 to 1980
Roger Beecroft 3rd engineer 1980
Mike Gilmour 2 radio officer 1980
Geoff Reed third officer 1980 From June to October
Mike Gordine 2nd mate 1980
Stephen Foster deck cadet 1980 Last trip before 2nd Mates
Steve Dunderdale cadet 1981
Richard Paul Helliar 2nd mate 1981
Anton Williams deck cadet 1981
Steve Kelly engineer cadet 1981 to 1982 Joined Durban, paid off Maracaibo
Siu Ming Tam chief steward 1981 to 1987
Kevin Stephenson Third Mate 1981 to 1982
Kevin Madden deck apprentice 1981
Graham Lister 4th engineer 1981
Mike Philpott A... radio officer 1981
Geoff Akehurst 2nd mate 1982
Derek Swadling deck cadet 1982
Peter Rogers radio officer 1982
Roger Beecroft 3rd engineer 1982 to 1983
Ian Monaghan engineer cadet 1983
Neil Edwards engineer cadet 1983
Bill Parker chief officer 1983 My 1st trip Chief Office
Bill Parker 2nd mate 1983
Stuart Bradley engineer cadet 1983 to 1984
Mike Nicholson deck cadet 1983 Last trip with Shell. 3rd mate for 3 weeks.
Bernard Kates radio officer 1984
Peter Rogers radio officer 1984
Mike Ryan 3rd mate 1984
John Ross 2 chief officer 1985 to 1986
Brian Graham chief engineer 1985 to 1986
Graham Gould 3rd engineer 1986 to 1987
Keith Roberts senior radio officer 1986
Mike Philpott A... sro 1986
John Holmes 2nd mate 1987
Verner Haidak radio officer 1988
Paul Booth deck cadet 1988
Stuart Gallaway chief officer 1989
Robin Campbell-... chief engineer officer 1989 handed over to stbv september 1989
Rijnder De Boer chief officer 1989 to 1990
Egbert Kuitems aankomend scheepsvakman 1989 to 1990
Gerrit Van Eijk chief engineer 1989 to 1993
R. Van Westendorp gezagvoerder 1990 to 1991
Robert Vlaardin... cadet 1990 to 1991
Hendrik De Bruin apprentice officer 1990 to 1991 apprentice and maritiem officer 4
Roel Dijkstra 1e stuurman 1990
Wolf Beekman master 1991
Sugiman cpo - sbm 1991
Elibert Dallinga chief engineer 1991
Hari Satrio Wibowo unknown 1991
Jonathan Takaria 3rd mate 1992
Hans Ammerlaan chief officer 1992
Koos De Groot hoofdwerktuigkundige 1992
Alphons Fluitsma hoofdwerktuigkundige 1993


Date Visitor Anecdote
11/05/2018 - 16:16 Mike Nicholson

Going in to La Pallice captain (Rafferty?) was pisssed, god knows how we missed the reef. Pilot came onboard. “Thank god for that I haven’t a clue where we are” the Captain said. “I know where we are, we’re a mile past the reef you just ran over”

03/20/2009 - 19:43 Jon Welford

I joined the Etrema in St John for the sea trials as third mate and raised the Red Ensign for the first time on the hand over to STUK.