
Completed 1958 as "HALIA" for STUK. ( Originally ordered by Anglo-Saxon as Horea). 1969 conversion into a lightening vessel. 28-8-1985 arrived San Sebastian for scrap. Model made by Tony Phipps.

Also known as
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
19.480 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1958 to 1985
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Keith Hopkins 5th engineer
John Howard Mumford 2nd officer 1958 to 1961
Noel Anthony Ra... 3rd mate 1958 to 1959 First solo job lightening before Trinidad 1973
Graham Cunliffe Fred deck apprentice 1958
Alan R. D. Lambert deck apprentice 1959 to 1960
Marnoch S. Thomson 2nd engineer, 3rd engineer 1959 to 1960
Mike Parkin deck apprentice 1960 to 1961
Vic Hubbert deck apprentice 1960 to 1961
Ian F. Boon chief officer 1961 to 1962
Allen Ford assistant steward 1961 to 1962
Roger Coombes navigation cadet 1962 to 1963
Ken Graham 5th engineer 1962 to 1963
Ken Hart 2nd engineer, 3rd engineer 1963 to 1964 third engineer/second engineer
Marnoch S. Thomson chief engineer 1963 to 1964
Robin Ritchie 5th engineer 1964 to 1965
Anthony Tony Stone 3rd engineer 1964 to 1965
David Mackay efficient deckhand 1964 to 1965
Michael Kemp 3rd deck officer 1964
John Cumming 3rd mate 1964
Bernard Teale apprentice engineer 1965 to 1966
Bernard Teale apprentice engineer 1965 to 1966
John Pearce 5th engineer 1965
Bernard Teale apprentice engineer 1965 to 1966 1st trip
Jeff Day deck apprentice 1965
Derek Balmer apprentice 1965 to 1966
David John Barwick catering boy 1966
John Watts 2nd engineer 1966 to 1967
Arthur R. Geake chief officer 1966 to 1967
Brian Sweeney pantryboy 1966
Eric Serginson junior ordinary seaman/deckhand 1967 to 1969
Andy Willmore deck apprentice 1967 1st trip
Ginger Thomson galley boy 1967
Graeme Wood apprentice engineer 1967 to 1968
John Hipsey deck apprentice 1967
Stephen Penfold apprentice 1968
Peter Gill apprentice 1968 to 1969
David Humphreys gp 1 1969 to 1970
Roy Robertson deck cadet 1969
Jim Gisborn catering boy/galley boy 1969 to 1970 First trip
Andy Crooke 5th engineer 1969
George Retford 2nd engineer 1969 to 1970
David Rodda deckhand 1969 s.o.s. deckhand
Eric Mager deck 1969 to 1970 deck g3
Jim Gisborn galley boy 1969 to 1970 First trip
Christopher O'brien senior ordinary seaman 1969
Christopher Lustig galley boy 1969 1st trip
Mike Riley 3rd engineer 1969
Roger Phillips 5th engineer 1969
Tony Fowler catering boy/galley boy 1969 to 1970
Ivan Johnston unknown 1969 to 1970
Peter Rees 2nd cook 1969 to 1970
Dave Atkinson radio officer 1969 Sailed on her when she was a conventional tanker and again during and after when converted for lightering
Jack Byrne grade 1 seaman 1970 spent the summer of 1970 on HALIA great trip.
Alan Robinson 5th engineer 1970 to 1971
Roger Phillips 4th engineer 1970 rejoined as 4e after conversion in Cardiff dd for lightening
Roy Lomas 2nd mate 1970
Simon Heanue catering boy/galley boy 1970 to 1971
Ken Mc Farland 5th engineer 1970
Jack Beaumont chief officer 1970
Martin E Mowlem pumpman 1970 to 1971
William Muirhead 3rd mate 1970
Terry Jones messman 1970 to 1971
James D. Jim Auton 2nd engineer 1970
Ivan Johnston 5th engineer 1970
Roger Sparling 5th engineer 1970 to 1971
Arthur O'Malley radio officer 1970 to 1971
John Chapman 1 5th engineer 1971 to 1972
Lol Power galley boy 1971
Geoff Hoyle 4th engineer 1971
Ian Coulman 2nd officer 1971
Paul John Gregory catering boy/galley boy 1971 to 1972
Thomas P. Hughes 2nd officer 1972
Noel Anthony Ra... chief mate 1972
Alan Munro grade 1 seaman 1972
Andy Johnson catering boy/messman 1972 to 1982
Ken Wood 3rd mate 1972
Vic Hubbert 2nd mate 1972 to 1973
Steve Gunn unknown 1972 to 1973
David C. Richmond chief engineer 1972
Dave Clarke pantryboy 1972 to 1973
James Williamson junior ordinary seaman 1973 to 1974
Ron Miller 2nd mate 1973
Martin Murdoch 5th engineer 1973 to 1974
Alan Platt 5th engineer 1973
Peter Gill 2nd mate 1973
Peter John Eastick 2nd cook 1973 to 1974
John Sage engineer cadet 1973 to 1974 first trip
John Ridley 5th engineer 1973
John P M Cusson chief officer 1974 to 1975
Mike Muir 1 po 1974
Paul Christophe... 5th engineer 1974
Derek Jackson 2nd engineer 1974
Garry Marshall catering boy 1974 to 1975
Carl Gippert saloon steward 1974 to 1975
Verner Haidak junior radio officer 1974
Glyn Winskill 5th engineer 1974 to 1975
Brian Stone 5th engineer 1975 to 1976
Charles Stobbart catering offficer 1975
Hugh Smith 2nd mate 1975 to 1976
Jim Brown assistant steward 1975 to 1976
Keith Ideson 5th engineer 1975
Peter Copeland 3rd mate 1975 to 1976
John Rose 2nd mate 1975
John Bennett 5th engineer 1975
Mick Cardiff chef kok 1975 to 1983
Paul Barrass gp boy 1975
Alan Phillip Carter 5th engineer 1975
Rogerpalmer 2nd engineer 1975
Mike Philpott A... radio officer 1975
Arthur Davidson grade 1 seaman 1976 to 1977
Mike Big Taff H... deck boy 1976 catering boy, then deck boy
John Porter assistant steward 1976
Peter G. Furmston radio officer 1976 to 1972
Richard O'neill radio officer 1976
Geoff Akehurst 2nd officer 1976
Herbert Rintoul g.i. 1976
Paul Fuller 3rd mate 1976
Keith D. Rourke 2nd cook and baker 1976
Derek J. McReynolds catering boy 1976 to 1977
Michael Spike Sharp grade 1 seaman 1976 to 1977
Michael F. Keenan 4th engineer 1976
Tony Rymer 4th engineer 1976 to 1977
Rick Vince 1 gppo pumpman 1977 gp1 & gppo pumpman
David Bailey able seaman (grade 1) 1977
Nick Roberts deck cadet 1977 for 2 weeks
Keith D. Rourke 2nd cook and baker 1977
Derek J. McReynolds assistant steward 1977 to 1978
David Wilson chef kok 1977
Martin Kenny chief officer 1977
David Ward 5th engineer 1977 On Halia for the Jubilee
Ian Rowlands catering boy 1977 to 1978
Keith D Ellison... G1 Seaman 1977 Hated this trip transferred toSS Lampas
Ian Jones Taffy gp 1 1977 to 1978
Gavin Wilson deck boy 1978 to 1985 d/b to g1
Michael Marsh 3rd engineer 1978
Trevor Harris 3rd mate 1978
Tony Jones deck cadet 1978
Steve Shaw gp 1 1978 to 1979
Brian Leverett able seaman (grade 3) 1978 to 1979
Sean Marsh grade 1 seaman 1978 to 1981
Shaun Overton catering boy 1979 to 1980
Anthony Fozzy H... able seaman (grade 1) 1979 to 1980
John Holt 5th engineer 1979
Alistair Randoll deck cadet 1979 to 1980
Malcolm Freeman 2nd steward 1979 Assistant steward, prompted 2nd steward
Ian Taffy Peart g3 g2 g1 1979 to 1981
Bryan Marshall Hips able seaman (grade 1) 1979 to 1980
Michael Spike Sharp grade 1 seaman 1979
Peter B. Pamment chief officer 1979 to 1980
Mark Adams 3rd officer 1979 to 1980
Erick Weston Fifth Engineer 1979 Joined Brixham Jan 79, left Ardrossan May 79
Brian Dean able seaman (grade 1) 1979
Bernard Teale chief engineer 1980
Nigel Lehmann-taylor deck cadet 1980
Craig Douglas 5th engineer 1980
Mark Shaun Buckley deck cadet 1980
Peter B. Pamment chief officer 1980 to 1981
Malcolm Peedell galley boy, assistant steward 1980
Brian Dean able seaman (grade 1) 1980
Mark Davies deck cadet 1980
Rick Vince 1 gppo pumpman 1980
Ian Stretton Walker chief officer 1980
Robin Campbell-... 2nd engineer 1980 to 1982 second engineer officer 3 consecutive tours
Dave Graham deck boy 1981 to 1982 1st trip
Peter Rogers radio officer 1981
Tommy Golling 2nd cook and baker 1981 to 1985 Sadly took ship to scrap.estaban de pravia
Mark Williams deck cadet 1981
Dave Freeman 2nd mate 1981 to 1983
Brian Saunders gp 2 1981
George Smart able seaman (grade 2) 1981
Charlie Pridham mate 1981
Bryan Marshall Hips able seaman (grade 1) 1982 to 1983
Mike Brown catering offficer 1982
Thomas Malcolm ... 3rd engineer 1982
Kevin Madden deck apprentice 1983
Bryan Marshall Hips able seaman (grade 1) 1983 to 1984
John Pickering chef kok 1983 to 1984
Gerry Healy assistant steward 1983
Joe Mally chief petty officer 1983
Mike Brown catering offficer 1983
Brian Mcglinchey chief steward 1983
Steve Dunderdale cadet 1983
Adrian Ridley radio officer 1983 to 1984
Brian Leverett able seaman (grade 1) 1983
Chris Furnish able seaman (grade 1) 1983 to 1984
Robert Rotheram... steward 1983 to 1985
Graham Gould 5th engineer 1984
Charles Humphreys deck cadet 1984
Herbie A. Battye chief officer 1984
Paul Crouch 5th engineer 1984
Geoff Akehurst 2nd officer 1984 to 1985
Stephen Cunningham 4th engineer 1985
Neil Edwards 5th engineer 1985
Andrew Jennings deck cadet/3rd mate 1985 deck cadet promoted to 3rd mate on final trip to scrap
David Wilson catering offficer 1985
Roy Robertson 2nd mate 1985


Date Visitor Anecdote
04/14/2021 - 18:16 Arthur O'Malley

I was RO on Halia from October 70 to April 71 for the Pacific Glory salvage and the stint in Bonny when we relieved the Haustellum for three months. We had five wives on board.

03/10/2021 - 11:40 Rich

Flew out to Singapore and joined the Halia as a Junior Ordinary seaman on the 16th September 1968 to 12th March 1969 in Singapore did Vietnam run going to Qui Nhon & Cam Ranh Bay + Saigon where we were hit by a missile which made a right mess of one of the crew's cabin and I believe his prized National Panasonic Radio. Also did Da Nang amongst other places. Rest of the trip was spent going back and forth from Singapore to various far east places such as Hong Kong - Solomon Islands - Bombay Madras Calcutta - Persian gulf. Then flew home with KLM - great trip. Double money in Vietnam waters also helped.

05/01/2017 - 16:55 John Chapman 1

This was my wife's first trip to sea with me, was a short voyage as broke my right wrist trying to start emergency fire pump down the fore peak. 2nd engineer and I did not know it had been under water!! we paid off on Middlesborough

10/12/2015 - 23:16 Bryan Anderson

I joined Halia on her maiden voyage in 1958 as galley boy.After being on an old coaster I found her quite fantastic. Out 9 month or so all over the place. I liked it so much I took a job as crew mess man on Hemiplecta and enjoyed that too.

04/10/2015 - 21:38 Jim Marshall

I was a first trip Junior on the Halia when she lightened the Pacific Glory. I remember I got paid ninety quid salvage money.

01/21/2015 - 14:06 Simon Heanue

Was on the Halia when she took the oil off the stricken tanker Pacific Glory. Also on her when we spent 3 months in the river off Boney in Nigeria and we got beat up one night ashore by Nigerian who we accidently walked into a patrol on a narrow track going through the jungle at night heading for a boat to take us out to the ship

02/21/2014 - 18:15 Eric Mager

I remember we collided with the Jetty going into Antwerp. Took half the bow off. Had to got to Cardiff dry dock for repairs. I remember Ardrossans lovely ladies, law unto themselves. Tees-port in Middlesborough. The Junction pub followed by the Robin Hood. Fredericia, although expensive was a good run ashore. 'Falmouth' (which is where I live) was the Grapes, the Chain Locker, the Globe, Dock and Railway ( became the Admiral Nelson ) Shades and the Pendennis Club (which became the Club International.
Jesse Mathews was the Second Steward. Tony Enticknap was the Bosun. Skippers were Charlie Houston, Capt Darrick, Capt Porteous, Capt Bradley. We called the Chief steward String bean Dunn. Some how the Heating Coils in the Tanks wasn't turned on and the crude set in the tanks. Took 3 days alongside in Hamburg to warm up enough to be pumped. Skipper was not a happy bunny. Lots of names sadly I can't remember. It was 40 years ago though. So... signing off I'll just say the Halia was the best Shell boat I sailed on. Best wishes to anyone who knows me. Please get in touch. Eric Mager

10/16/2013 - 11:39 Stephen Penfold

I served as a Deck Apprentice on Halia from December 1967 to June 1968. An eventful trip, as a product carrier, lub oil etc we went to many interesting places. From Inch to Curacao, South & West Africa, Houston, Singapore Japan, Manila, Vietnam, Kuwait. I was in two war zones, Lagos during the Biafra war and Vietnam during the height of the war. Discharging at Saigon whilst Napalm was dropped on the other side of the river. I t was then I decided on another career as a Civil Engineer. So much for my "gap year then". However, I eventually joined Shell Expro and became neighbour of David Richmond, one time Halia Chief Engineer, then a Platform Superintendent in the North Sea. It's a small world!

Is there anyone out there who served on Halia the same time as me?

05/26/2013 - 13:02 Terry Jones

My memories of the Halia is when went alongside the "Pacific Glory" to remove part of her cargo after her collision. She was well down by the stern and she was in a bad state after being on fire for over 24 hours. The removal of her cargo was a dangerous task and we had many attempts to get alongside her as the weather was not good. Still have some film of the event.

03/27/2013 - 14:38 Rogerpalmer

Just got married (75) so lightening off Lime Bay came in handy,asked to go deep sea next trip. Very nice ship and friendly crew.

08/23/2011 - 18:04 Graham Cunliffe Fred

Joined Halia at Hawthorn Leslie shipyard, Hebbern on Tyne 1n 1958 as deck apprentice took her on maiden voyage out to New Zealand, had wonderful trip, great crew, diembarked on return to europe.

03/26/2011 - 18:53 John Pearce

Returning from Curacao to Rotterdam to get married. The old man J.Charlton I believe, advised me to wait until I was older - should have taken his advice!

10/06/2010 - 15:10 Mike Big Taff H...

What a ship this was ,as a young cat/deck boy it was great zipping in/out of ports lightening huge tankers at least 50,000 tonnes lol. the crews were great, faces changing all the time , one lasting memory was the fateful day the amoco cadiz ran aground off the french coast,with us on standby ready to zipp in and try and save some of the cargo before it all drained out of its ruptured tanks . Great memories and friends made .

10/03/2010 - 11:29 David Rodda

I joined the Halia in Singapore on 13th March 1969, we sailed her back to the UK via South America and docked in Cardiff on 29th October 1969.
We made several trips to Vietnam for the USA, The Halia's sister ship was the Almenia, she had her bows blown up whilst on duty in nam, our first night in siagon, was disrupted by the American forces dropping explosives into the water around the ship, a common acurrance was enemy divers and floating mines.
The Americans would light up the sky with flares, and then blast anything that moved. The Halia became a lightening ship to the super tankers that could not get alongside in Falmouth. many a good time, and many a bad time was had on board the S.T.S. HALIA

05/06/2010 - 11:59 Jack Byrne

This month 40 years ago I was looking forward to a run ashore in Falmouth. So hard to imagine it was that long ago since I was on the HALIA. Tempus Fugit.

04/20/2010 - 15:05 Alan R. D. Lambert

My Anecdote

I joined my first vessel "sts. Halia" in Pernis, Rotterdam with two other Deck Apprentices on 30/10/1959.(Ian Baird and Ian Pattison).

The latter was the son of a captain of a "collier"....plying between Newcastle and Shoreham.He was nicknamed "Nelson" This aprentice new everything, and became a butt of many pranks from the rest of the experienced crew.

The ultimate "episode" was when the bosun (a 20 stone cornishman) informed us that there was a "mutiny" developing "down aft"!

Neson was "seconded" as "go-between" the crew and officers. He was instructed to keep a "log" of suspicious actions (which were rehearsed by the crew.....un-beknown to him).

The ultimate "report" that he made to the First Officer was, reporting seeing crew-members preparing machine-guns being made ready for a an attempted coup of the vessel. He was reporting possible "poisoning" of food in the "Officers- mess",and a cache of weapons that he wtnessed beung prepared...(He told us that he had seen the bosun organise "cleaning of machine -gun coolers" in a "paint-locker" near the focsle.

His imagination ran wild.....such that the 3rd Mate had to bring the prank to a conclusion.
In the aftermath....no-one would believe him in respect of the "Machine -gun - coolers).
We had to tell him eventually......that there were no such weapons.

What he had been shown were......the METAL CARCASSES OF PAINT ROLLERS!!!!!!!!!

09/27/2009 - 22:54 David Wilson

I sailed twice on the Halia as Chief Cook in 1977 and as Catering Officer in 1985 when we took her to Scrap at Estaban De Pravia. Her Master was Fred Croxon who many years previous had joined as deck boy and was now taking her to the breakers as Master a very sad time for him and all of us. Unfortunately they do not build ships like the Halia anymore and I am so grateful that I was given the chance to sail on her and many others like her. Although retired now, I live in the Isle of Man and I am secretary of the Shell Pensioners Association IoM Branch which gives me contact with people that I sailed with in the past.

05/13/2009 - 23:37 Gavin Wilson

This fantastic ship was my first trip in 78.Over the years i done five trips on her,great crews,great memories,never forget....from Ardrossan to San Estaban she was a dream to sail on,chatty but happy.

03/31/2009 - 12:19 Sean Marsh

The Halia was, for me, the best ship in the Shell fleet. I always sailed with good crews on her.