
Completed 1955 as "KARA" for La Corona. 26-1-1977 arrived Inchon for scrap.

IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
19.326 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1955 to 1977
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
J. Quist lichtmatroos (matroos onder de gage) 1955 to 1956
Jan Van Der Werff 5th engineer 1955 to 1956
Herman Unger 2nd officer 1955 to 1956
Bart Van Hasselt 5th engineer 1955 to 1956
Piet De Bruijn hoofdwerktuigkundige 1957 to 1958
Jan Vrijheid 3rd engineer 1957
Henk Schikker apprentice mate 1958
Ruud Meinders handlanger 1958 to 1961
Jan P. Quak matroos/scheepsgezel 1958 to 1959
Aad Dillewaard matroos/scheepsgezel 1958
Henk Kwak logiesjongen 1958
Ger Kamphues matroos/scheepsgezel 1958
Victor Kan volmatroos 1958
William John Radford matroos/scheepsgezel 1958
J. Wilkens 1st radio officer (sparks) 1958 to 1963
Johan Herman Staal matroos/scheepsgezel 1959 to 1963
Piet Puijpe stuurmansleerling 1959 to 1960
Ben Nederlof 5th engineer 1959 to 1960
Hans Ewers 5th engineer, 3rd engineer 1959 to 1965
Theo Oberman 2nd cook 1959 to 1960
Ed T.P. Van Boles pantryboy 1959
Lowy Cremers bediende 1959 to 1960
Tom Zantman pantryboy 1960 to 1961
Len Van Donk 5th engineer 1960
Ger Braak 4th engineer 1960 to 1961
Willem Van Rave... scheepsgezel algemene werkploeg 1960 to 1961
J. Witvliet lichtmatroos (matroos onder de gage) 1960 to 1961
Jan Pot handlanger 1960
Karel Kerkdijk steward 1960 to 1961
Henk Kievit 5th engineer 1961
Elibert Dallinga apprentice engineer 1961 to 1962
Co Nelisse 4th officer 1961
Lohannes De Jager unknown 1962 to 1963
Frits Ozinga 5th engineer 1962 to 1963
Bram Gonlag matroos/kabelgast 1962 to 1963
Harry Heijnen 4th engineer 1962 to 1963
Marcel Van Uffelen 4th engineer 1962
Kees Rennings matroos/kabelgast 1963 to 1964
Wim Passchier 1e pompman/bankwerker 1963
Jan Pieters 2e hofmeester (hobe) 1963
Jan Van Hoepen 4th engineer 1963 to 1964
J De Vos chef kok 1963 to 1964
Nicolaas Rem handlanger 1963
Piet Cammel 1e stuurman 1963
M.f. Koens 4th engineer 1964 to 1965
Jan P. Bijlsma handlanger 1964 to 1965
Rob Tadema pumpman 1964
P.h. Van Der Ham 3e stuurman 1964
Arie Bravenboer deck boy 1964 to 1965
R. Van Westendorp 2e stuurman (2nd officer/mate) 1965 to 1966
Peter Van De Vooren unknown 1965
Femmy Kaal-van ... 4th engineer 1965
Jan Van Den Dungen matroos/scheepsgezel 1965 to 1966
Ger Braak 2nd engineer 1965 to 1966
G. Buma 3e stuurman 1965
Hans Ewers 3rd engineer 1965
J.c.a. Den Haan bediende 1965 to 1967
Ted Van Der Louw radio operator 1965 to 1966
Herman Harens salonbediende 1965
Rob Tadema pumpman 1966
Menno Van Den Belt 4e stuurman 1966 to 1967 Singapore / ( 28-10-1966 -- 11-02-1967 ) / Singapore
Hessel Slot stuurmansleerling 1966
Kees Den Boer matroos/scheepsgezel 1966 to 1967
Tino Kracht matroos/scheepsgezel 1966 to 1967
Peter Hubertus ... aankomend scheepsgezel 1966 to 1967
Paul Nobel fireman/greaser 1966 to 1967
Johan De Muynck radio officer 1966
Martin Schuurs sailor 1966
Fred Van Der Vorm 5th engineer 1966
Hans Poot 2nd cook and baker 1966 to 1967
Jan Smid 4th engineer 1966
Eugene Smeijsters deck boy 1966 to 1967
Rinus De Wit matroos/scheepsgezel 1966
Henk Kolbrink wachtassistent 1967 to 1968
Jan P. Bijlsma 2nd pumpman 1967 to 1968
Rob F.M. Driessen 4e stuurman (4th officer/mate) 1967 to 1968
Bertus Stuivenberg bediende 1967 to 1968
Willem Sinke fireman/greaser 1967
John Penning leerlingwerktuigkundige 1967
Piet Cammel 1e stuurman 1967 to 1968
Henk Van Der Houwen leerlingwerktuigkundige 1967 to 1968
Jan F. Van Schie 1e pompman/bankwerker 1967 to 1968
Rene Bos 5th engineer 1968
Ruud Loth fireman/greaser 1968
Arie Kramp bediende algemene dienst 1968 to 1969
J.c.a. Den Haan bediende 1968 to 1969
Tino Kracht matroos/scheepsgezel 1968 to 1970
G.j. Visscher hoofdwerktuigkundige 1968
C.w.h. Van Holt... 3rd engineer 1968 to 1969
Ge Jacobs 3e stuurman 1968
Cors Solleveld scheepsgezel algemene werkploeg 1969
Frederik Kluvers 2nd cook and baker 1969
Frits Van Der Holst 3rd engineer 1969 to 1970
Hans Maassen 4th engineer 1969
J.c.a. Den Haan salonbediende 1970
Ruud Loth scheepsgezel algemene werkploeg 1970 to 1971
Kiel Buiks 2 matroos/scheepsgezel 1970
Carl P.c. Van G... 3rd officer 1970 to 1971
Carlo Mazairac apprentice engineer 1970 to 1971
Jan Water 5th engineer 1970
W. Faas bediende 1970 to 1971
Willem Van Der Vos 5th engineer 1970 to 1971
Marius Wanders 4e stuurman 1970
Henk Kolbrink wachtassistent 1970 to 1971
R. Paul Le Coultre 4th mate 1970
Dirk Bakker bediende 1970 to 1971
Jaap Koek 4th mate 1971 to 1972
Wim Hol leerlingwerktuigkundige 1971 to 1972
Albert Jan Baerveldt writer 1971
Hans Poot hoofd voeding 1971
C.G. Van Der Zwet 3rd engineer 1971
Cors Solleveld scheepsgezel algemene werkploeg 1971
Pim Brandwagt matroos/scheepsgezel 1972
Jan P. Bijlsma scheepsvakman 1 1972
Frank Tullmann hoofd voeding 1972 to 1973
John Kalkman 2nd engineer 1972
Martin Schuurs sailor 1972
Albert Jan Baerveldt chief engineer 1972 to 1973
Cor Thijssen 5th engineer 1972
Willem Hennink 3rd engineer 1973
Han Van Der Poel 4th engineer 1973 to 1974
Wiel S. Van Der Ham 1e stuurman 1973
J. Nieuwerf-van Veen writer 1973
S. Harders korovina 1973
Fred Van Der Vorm 2nd engineer 1973 to 1974
Jan Wientjes 2e stuurman (2nd officer/mate) 1973
Joop Goetjes 3rd engineer 1973 to 1974
Willem Knoester hoofd voeding 1973
Sjoek Abma stuurmansleerling 1973
Han Van Der Poel writer 1973 to 1974
Jos Peeters 5th engineer 1973 to 1974
Wim Grund 3rd engineer 1974
Leen Kazemier 1 2e stuurman (2nd officer/mate) 1974
Menno J. De Kroon leerlingwerktuigkundige 1974
Tom Scholte 3rd engineer 1974
Willem Huijgen hoofd voeding 1975
Peter Rijsmus leerlingwerktuigkundige 1975
Piet Mink 4e stuurman 1975
Peter Reid werktuigkundige 1975
Ernest W. Van D... 3e stuurman 1975 to 1976
Aad Storm 3rd engineer 1975
Marius Wanders 2e stuurman (2nd officer/mate) 1975
Wiel S. Van Der Ham 1e stuurman 1975 to 1976
Paul Van Wadenoijen matroos/scheepsgezel 1976 to 1977
Toon Margadant 2e stuurman (2nd officer/mate) 1976
Jos Timmermans 5th engineer 1976 to 1977 Sut down boilers in the bay of inchon 28-01-77
Mohamad Tohir Laisa laundryman 1976 to 1977
Erik De Pooter stuurmansleerling 1976


Date Visitor Anecdote
03/05/2012 - 12:31 Kiel Buiks 2

Ik heb maar een week of zes op de kara gevaren als matroos middellandse zee toen naar terneuzen toen heb ik stomste wat je kon doen weg gelopen met twee man daar had ik veel spyt van dat had ik nooit. Mogen doen maar je ken zo iets niet meer over doen spytig genoeg ik wil alle heren en bekenden de groetjes doen speciaal een oliman ik ken zyn naam niet meer was een toffe bink ik hoop dat ie nog leefd hy heb by my spullen afgegeven meschien weet ie dat nog groetjes ouwe ha ha dit is myn adres kiel buiks. Lourens koster plein 10/5025/ec tilburg

03/08/2011 - 14:56 Erik De Pooter

Op de Kara was ik leerling stuurman. Stronteigenwijs en een nagel aan de doodskist van sommige mede-opvarenden. Met onze kapitein kon ik echter het wel goed vinden. Dat was ?dolle dries? A. Tijsma. Mischien wel daarom.
We lagen ergens buiten de Theemsmonding voor anker in dikke mist. Onze ouwe vond het niks om door te varen naar bestemming Middlesborough en nam me mee naar zijn hut, plus twee flessen Berenburg. We hebben daar tot in de kleine uurtjes zitten gokken met twee dobbelstenen (hoogste worp telt, dubbel gooien is dubbel betalen) en die twee flessen soldaat gemaakt. Zijn tempo lag wel ietsje hoger dan het mijne en ik kon mijn katje aardig spekken. In een vlaag van plichtsbesef heb ik nog gevraagd: "moeten we toch maar niet vertrekken om het tij te halen?" Waarop Tijsma zei: ?Als jij zo nodig naar Middlesborough wil, moet jij boven maar gaan zeggen dat ze anker-op gaan?.
Aldus naar boven en de wachtdoende 1e stuurman medegedeeld dat we weer verder konden, met de complimenten van de kapitein (die toen allang in zijn kooi lag). Vervolgens ben ik zelf ook mijn mandje ingedoken.
De volgende morgen op volle zee was het nogal een verbazing voor Tijsma, die zich niets meer herinnerde en met een knallende koppijn in ochtendjas boven kwam informeren waarom we toch weer waren gaan varen. ?Dat had die leerling gezegd?, was het droge antwoord. ?Eigenwijs mormel? was zijn enige kommentaar. Ik werd van mijn bed gelicht en moest op het matje komen. Daar kreeg ik een uitbrander, een klap op mijn schouder en een flinke scheut Berenburg?.

12/16/2008 - 18:41 Aad H.c.j. Born

From US Navy archives the following story was extracted:
At 0010h, on April 12, 1967, the privately chartered 9,000 ton British flagged Shell Oil tanker M/V AMASTRA had been holed by an external explosive device while moored in the POL transfer anchorage in Nha Trang Harbor, Vietnam.
The AMASTRA was preparing to off load aviation fuel for military aircraft when the explosion ripped open a four by six foot jagged hole at the waterline near the fire wall between the engine room and the boiler room.
The engine room, fire room and the after pump room flooded in twenty minutes causing the AMASTRA?s stern to settle to the harbor bottom leaving the rear decks awash.
Another Shell Oil tanker, the Dutch flagged M/V KARA from ?s-Gravenhage, Netherlands arrived and moored port side to the AMASTRA. The KARA provided auxiliary power and steam so AMASTRA could transfer 640,000 gallons of fuel to the KARA. The AMASTRA's damaged area was thirty feet below the water line and required a twelve by twelve-foot patch.
In the early morning hours of April 13, USS ?Current? ARS-22 arrived at Nha Trang. Shortly after arriving, the work boat was placed in the water and a salvage team departed for the tanker to survey the damage and plan a course of action. Commander Service Group Three salvage officer Commander J. B. Orem was designated Officer in Charge of the AMASTRA salvage operation. USS ?Greenlet? ASR-10 as well as Harbor Clearance Unit One's HCT-3 staff members were also sent from Vung Tau to assist during the re-floating operation.
Floodlights were secured on USS ?Current? ARS-22?s rails and directed into the waters around the ship at sunset. Armed sentries were posted during darkness to defend against any attempt to attach an explosives charge to USS ?Current? ARS-22's hull. Early each morning, USS ?Current? ARS-22 weighed anchor and moored starboard side to AMASTRA. At the end of each day, USS ?Current? ARS-22 departed AMASTRA and re-anchored in the center of Nha Trang Harbor for security.
Prior to transferring fuel oil to the KARA, USS ?Current? ARS-22 diver LTJG Vince Weis along with a HCU-1 diver wearing shallow water diving gear went into the AMASTRA's engine room, filled with dangerous gas fumes, to close a set of valves that allowed AMASTRA's oil cargo to be transferred to the KARA. USS ?Current? ARS-22?s crew rigged salvage pumps and compressors then transferred them to the decks of AMASTRA. After the ship?s divers maneuvered a fabricated patch into place to stop the inflow of sea water into the engine room, the salvage pumps were started and the AMASTRA began to show freeboard. The spaces on the AMASTRA that had been flooded were cleared with the help of thirty to forty Vietnamese and Filipino stevedores.
With the loss of power for refrigeration, combined with the hot climate of Vietnam, an estimated six thousand pounds of spoiled meat and vegetables were removed from AMASTRA to a barge then dumped at sea. While ashore hiring the stevedores, USS ?Current? ARS-22?s Operations Officer LTJG Mark Lusink in a conversation with local villagers was informed that the AMASTRA was mined by the South Vietnamese to prevent it from sailing to Haiphong, North Vietnam. Shell Oil tankers did not travel to North Vietnam.
The initial investigation indicated that a Limpet mine of approximately 80 to 90 pounds of explosives was used. In view of the close proximity of 150 yards to the beach hamlet of Truong Tay, a known haven for local pilferers, black marketers and other questionable individuals, the investigation determined that the explosive charge was most likely delivered from the hamlet area by a swimmer sapper. The Vietnam war was certainly a strange and crazy war. The majority of the 43 man crew was removed by local Army landing craft about half an hour after the explosion. They spent the night at the American Army Officers' quarters at Camp John McDermott in Nha Trang.
On April 22, 1967, USS ?Current? ARS-22?s salvage crew successfully raised and dewatered the AMASTRA. The fabricated patch was removed and a more permanent steel patch was constructed. SFM2 "Ace" Acfalle, one of USS ?Current? ARS-22's ship fitters, spent the better part of two days, without any rest, welding the metal patch to the AMASTRA to make it seaworthy.
The AMASTRA was towed by commercial tug to Singapore for dry-docking and repairs.