
Completed 1959 as "PALLIUM" for STUK as bitumen-carrier. 19-4-1982 arrived Gadani Beach for scrapping.

IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
19.884 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1959 to 1982
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
William Bill Edwards 5th engineer 1958 to 1960
Douglas M.C. Renton 2nd mate 1959
Michael Mitchell 5th engineer, 4th engineer 1959 to 1960 fifth engineer building yard & maiden voyage.
Brian Leeds Gooch deck apprentice 1959 to 1960
David Revis deck apprentice 1960
Chris Jowett 3rd mate 1960 to 1961
Roger Brooker 2nd mate 1961 to 1963
James W. Crosby fireman/watertender 1961 f.w.t.
Robert John Gibson catering boy/galley boy 1961
Roger Brooker 2nd mate 1962 to 1963
Joe Duffy radio operator 1962 to 1963
Mike Offord 2nd mate 1963
Brin Thomas messman 1963 to 1964
George Retford apprentice engineer 1963 to 1964
Tony Stevens 5th engineer 1963 to 1964
Charles Edward ... fireman 1964
Wilfrid Michael... engineer 1964 to 1965 4th engineer/3rd engineer/2nd engineer
Douglas M.C. Renton chief mate 1964
Norman Thomas assistant steward 1964
Pat Kennedy efficient deckhand 1964
Bernard Reynolds 2nd officer 1964 to 1965
John Cumming 3rd mate 1965
Terry Savage able seaman 1966 to 1967
Alex Thomson 3rd engineer 1966
Allan Wild senior ordinary seaman 1967
Robin Buncombe apprentice engineer 1967
Bill Sturrock 5th engineer 1967
Colin Osman extra 4th engineer 1967 to 1968
A. Peter Colema... 3rd engineer 1967
Bill Grant 2nd mate 1967 to 1968
Jonathan Rickels apprentice engineer 1967
Alan Watson uncertificated 3rd officer 1967 to 1968
David Adams steward 1967 to 1968
Michael Mancey 3rd mate 1968
George Retford 2nd engineer 1968 to 1969
Ivan Johnston 5th engineer 1969
Roger Sparling apprentice engineer/5th engineer 1969 to 1970
John P M Cusson chief officer 1969
Michael John Leeds junior ordinary seaman 1969 to 1970
Mike Riley 2nd engineer 1969 to 1970
Roger Duke 5th engineer 1969
Desmond Sissons 5th engineer 1969
John Melville 3rd engineer 1970
Mike Macdonald engineer cadet 1970 My 1st trip following Phase 1 at South Shileds Marine & Tech . College
George Fenwick 5th engineer 1970 to 1971
Thomas Edward Lennon crew messman 1970 to 1971
Robert Gorge Hall assistant steward 1970
John Pritchard 2nd steward 1970
John Seffens efficient deckhand 1970
Philip Duncombe assistant steward 1971
David Clarke able seaman 1971
Brian Evans catering boy 1971 to 1970
Andy Willmore 3rd mate 1971
Michael Hunt assistant steward 1971
Michael Marsh apprentice engineer/5th engineer 1971
Arthur Roy 5th engineer 1972 to 1973
John Ross 2 2nd mate 1972 to 1973
John Chapman 1 5th engineer 1972
John Ian Murray 5th engineer 1972 to 1973
Leslie Payne 5th engineer 1972
Eric Phillips captain (commanding officer) 1972
John Lewindon 5th engineer 1972 to 1973
Philip Palethorpe 1st cadet ship (engine) 1973
Ray Williams Taffy 5th engineer 1973
Zia Addin Kalan... deck cadet 1973
Daniel Smith Cowie 4th engineer 1973
Rob Heatley catering boy/galley boy 1973 to 1974
Iain Mccoll chief steward 1973 to 1974
Steve Czerwionka 4th engineer 1973
Chris Johnson deck cadet 1973
John Aitken engineer cadet 1973 to 1974
Robin Dunn deck cadet 1974
Stephen Catchpole chef kok 1974 to 1975
Alasdair Maclean 5th engineer 1974
Keith Ideson 5th engineer 1974
Bill Holt fireman 1974 to 1968
Mike Hapgood 2 deck cadet 1974 to 1975
Richard O'neill chief radio officer 1975
Gus Mcphail senior radio officer 1975
Stuart Gallaway 2nd mate 1975 to 1976
Gus Mcphail sro 1975
Keith Bush J.O.S 1975 to 1976 Joined in dry dock Lisbon 1975 voyage completed in Curacao 1976, great ship, great crew, lovely memories.
John Briton catering boy 1975
Christopher Lustig 2nd cook and baker 1975 to 1976
Mike Philpott A... radio officer 1975 to 1976
Nigel Campbell deck cadet 1975
Mike Brown chief steward 1976
Trevor Yates junior ordinary seaman 1976 to 1977
Joseph Zerafa deck cadet 1976
Mike Castle deck cadet 1976
Mike Riley chief engineer 1976
Terry Crook 3rd engineer 1976
Colin Williamson 5th engineer 1976 to 1977
Mike Glaiser able seaman 1976 to 1977
Michael F. Keenan 4th engineer 1977
Matthew Jamieson 5th engineer 1977
Eric John Rowlands junior ordinary seaman 1977
Richard Whing 3rd officer 1977 navigation cadet, promoted to 3rd off 7/7/1977
Peter B. Pamment extra 2nd officer 1977
Eric Wyn Thomas f/g 1977 to 1978
David Massy able seaman 1978
Bill Parker 2nd mate 1978
John Pickering chef kok 1978 to 1979
Ian Bishop 3rd engineer 1978
Peter G. Furmston radio officer 1978
Peter B. Pamment chief officer 1978
Jim Crowther 5th engineer 1978 to 1979
Bryan Mitchell chief officer 1978 to 1979
Paul Ayers able seaman 1978
Alan Susans 3rd engineer 1979
John Tallon catering boy/galley boy 1979 to 1980
Rod Edwards fireman 1979
Peter Rogers radio officer 1979 to 1980
Stuart Jobson 3rd engineer 1979
Peter Gill 2 chief officer 1979
Bernard Reynolds captain (commanding officer) 1979 to 1980
Robin Campbell-... 2nd engineer officer 1979 to 1980
Bernard Kates radio officer 1979
Eamon Mullin 3rd mate 1979
Stephen James catering boy/galley boy 1980 to 1981
Paul Hagan efficient deckhand 1980 to 1981
Geoff Donnelly 2nd mate 1980
Ian Thornhill 2nd mate 1980
John Tarling 3rd mate 1980
Erick Weston Fifth Engineer 1980 Joined New York Feb 80, left Cardiff drydock June 80.
Andrew Creedon engineer cadet 1980
John Tarling 3rd mate 1980
Andrew Selway radio officer 1980 to 1981 El Palito, Venezuela to Dakar, Senagal
Gordon Robertson 2nd engineer 1981
Geoff Donnelly chief mate 1981
Tony Boland engineer cadet 1981 to 1982
Raymond Laws chief steward 1981 to 1982 chief steward when she was scrapped in karachi 1982
Colin Osman 3rd engineer 1981 3rd engineer[last trip pay off philadelphia]
Mark Popay junior catering rating 1981 to 1982 My first trip
John Collins efficient deckhand 1981 to 1982
Geoffrey Forster 2 chef kok 1981
Mark Popay junior catering rating 1981 to 1982 My first trip and sadly her final voyage to Karachi - Gadani Beach
Mark Hughes 3rd mate 1981
Nigel Ware engineer cadet 1981 to 1982
Michael Cousins able seaman (grade 2) 1981 to 1982
Rohan Noz Nosworthy junior catering rating 1981 to 1982
Fred Craig chief steward 1981
Robert Downie assistant steward 1982 My very best trip i had ......paid off one day before she hit the beach in Karachi ..still have pic i took as we left on little boat
Don Shanahan 2nd cook 1982 Took her to bone yard in Karachi


Date Visitor Anecdote
09/20/2020 - 06:00 Robert Downie

My most favourite ship and ships crew
Christmas Day 1981 we docked in Port Louis in Mauritius had breakfast as normal but our Chief Steward overruled the Captain about having a full on Christmas Day dinner and we ended up serving egg and chips then layed out a buffet for the rest of the day and night and had a great day in the Beaufort Botanical Gardens with its amazing waterfalll view Giant Lily pads and the male and female Giant Tortoises having a good bonk .....a guy did try to flog us a baby Tortoise ...i wonder if its still alive !! Thanks to our taxi driver
who sorted us out some naughty smoke from a tin shack in the hills full of it .....later after driving round the island picking pomegranates from trees in street we ended at the Seamans Mission for a few (lots) beers ...this was run by an elderly women who still saw the world from imperial age as the locals who worked there she called her little brown machines ......we did say dont come back to the UK and say that ....she just laughed
One day the word went round we were taking her to scrap in Karachi it was the rustyest hottest ship and was dying bit by bit so no surprise ....... who had the brass ships clocks away well i had the the one from the crews mess it still works and keeps great time .. The day before we paid off i was packing when the Chief Engineer whose name escaped me years ago called at my cabin and handed me a Metal plaque from the engine room weighing 19kg it was one of the ships regestration plates and he said yours if you want it and can get it home he had another being crated up as it was nearly five foot long ....i got stopped at customs in heathrow and they could not believe how much my case weighed once they found the plaque it made sense but still searched all my stuff and me too !! Next stop was Uxbridge Police Station for Customs Evasion the contents of a matchbox was a bit suidgy and powdery bit too ...i learnt a lesson that day never keep what you you can use and not get what you dont i leave it there ....... just before we arrived all alcohol was dumped over the side i can still see one crew member crying as we did but he didnt function much without it after that .
We left by little boat and as she slipped into the distance i took a pic i still have today.
STW to this day guys all know who you are

03/30/2018 - 06:49 Bryan Mitchell

Anchored off Shannon, mid-December 1978. Around 2030, a freak wave broke over the ship and destroyed midships accommodation. Took away 2 weather doors port side Captain's deck, damaged the port lifeboat, destroyed midships fresh water pump room and collapsed the deckhead in the second mates cabin. He was lying in bed when he found himself underwater as the water poured in from above.
Minor repairs made in Shannon then we crossed the Atlantic with sheets of plywood covering the ripped out doors, and had proper repairs done in Curacao

02/18/2016 - 22:24 Bill Sturrock

Blacked out while along side in Fall River. The diesel generator then threw a wobbler and I believe something akin to panic ensued while we tried to find an engineering workshop open at the weekend. If my memory serves me right the 3/E was injured during all this.Wonder if anyone else remembers this.

03/18/2015 - 12:41 Mike Hapgood 1

Does anybody know what happened to Sam Pullen? The youngest 2nd mate in STUK at the time - Onboard Pallium from sept 1974 to Feb 1975. Beleieve he went on to the Opalia in 1975.

12/03/2012 - 19:07 John Collins

This was a great trip taking the old girl to scrap in Karachi
remember hours of chipping bitumen off the deck
i am sure the bosun's name was macsweeny ?

06/23/2012 - 03:59 Philip Duncombe

joined the pallium in gibralta in 1970 i think . flew from heathrow with crew including colin the second steward. wonderful time in gibralta waiting for ship to arrive. fond memories of trip , wish i was young again .

08/23/2011 - 15:07 Tony Boland

Was an Engineer Cadet on Pallium in 1981. While walking along the aerial gangway from aft accommodation to midships accommodation I passed through a metal archway to shield you from the elements a midway point. As I was passing through a bellows joint on the deck steam line gave way and peppered the archway with pieces of carbon sealing rings. Ding, ding , ding.... lucky it wasn't my head. I still have a piece of the carbon ring I kept as a souvenir.
Written Aug 2012 in Toronto, Canada

03/17/2011 - 19:52 Chris Johnson

Joined July 73 in Dublin.Left October 73 in Larvik.Sailing with Captain Henry J Third for the 4th time.Met relatives I did not know I had in Dublin.

07/03/2010 - 23:30 Raymond Laws

chief steward on the Pallium when we ran her up Gadani Beach in April 1982. A bit of a sad ending really. Biggest regret I didn't have a camera with me. The Pallium ended her days on the beach alongside the remains of the Asprella which had been bought by the same people a few months earlier. By the time Pallium beached, all of the Asprella's aft accomodation had disappeared also most of her engine room had gone
although the name and port of registry were still visible on the stern. Can't help but wonder how many times they had been together in Curacao in the sixties and seventies.

01/31/2010 - 11:20 Bernard Reynolds

A Sabbeth days journey part2. I phoned the Agents who said they will try to sort it out but to no avail. Eventually they told us to book into the Hilton hotel next door to the airport while they tried to sort something out. By this time we were so fed up we cheered ourselves up with a slap up meal, blow the expense Shell were paying. Next day we check in again the airline had to put up a $10,000 bond on each of us in case we absconded. We were escorted onto the plane and sat in First Class. Upon arriving in New York we were suppose to change airlines but the other other airline wouldn't accept us. We had to wait until 7pm when the original airline had a flight going to Jacksonville. By this time the airline had lost interest in us.
We arrived in Jacksonville at 9pm to be told by the Agent that the ship was not coming here but going to Port Everglades which is at the other end of Florida. I said would we be flying tomorrow. No he says you are travelling by Grey Hound bus.
Next day we travel the length of Florida boarding the ship that evening seven days after leaving home.

01/31/2010 - 10:58 Bernard Reynolds

A Sabbath days journey Part 1. In September 1964 when I was 2nd Mate I flew to Canada to join the Pallium at Seven Islands. I arrived at Montreal airport about 4pm and was met by our Agent. He asks what ship am I joining. I looked at him in a puzzled way and said the Pallium. He then asks me where was I joining it. I said your the Agent you should know. He said all we know is that two people are arriving. He then asks what is the ship's ETA. I didn't know but presumed that it is tomorrow. The next flight to Sept Iles was at midday he booked us into a hotel and would pick us up about 9am. In the mean time Ch/stwd Herbert arrives. Next morning it got to 11am so I phoned the Agent. He says we are in contact with London to find out what to do with you, the ship arrived at 6pm last night and sailed this morning. The plan was to fly us down to Jacksonville, Florida in a couple of days time. At the appointed time the Agent drops us off at the airport. We check in and make our way to the departure gate. What we didn't know was that in Canada you pass through American Immigration at the departure gate, neither of us had USA visas. This was before it became Company policy for everyone to have US visas. So we weren't allowed to board the plane. Cont/. part 2

10/18/2009 - 13:26 Bernard Reynolds

The Pallium was my first command. After being on the UK coast for a couple of months we loaded for West Africa and the Azores. We arrived at Punta Delgada in Sao Miguel island on New Years day 1980. The day before there had been a severe earthquake On another Azores Island where their main communications to Europe had been destroyed. Several Officers and crew joined. After discharging I had no outward orders so as the phones to Europe were out of action I asked the port authorities if I could use the ship's radio which they agreed. I phoned Shell International and was told as there were nor orders to stay where we were. I also phoned my wife. A couple of days later Bert Barker in the personel office phoned my wife to find out if she had heared anything from me as the relatives of those joining were concerned because as usual the News on the TV had shown the earthquake affecting the whole of the Azores. So he was able to tell them that he had spoken to the Captains wife and that all was well. We were there for a week and we went on a couple of tours of the Island. What a beautiful place, there are 2 lakes in the bottom of a volcano, the water in one is cloured blue and the other green. We also went round a tea plantation and to where the thermal springs are.
Next we went to Lome (Togo, West Africa)where my wife (Shirley) joined and we Loaded for New York. When we got into the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle we encounted 60ft seas. I put the ship on 70 rpm which would normanly give a speed of 12 knts. We made 48 miles in 24 hrs. It took 3 days to ride out the storm. Thankfully we didn't suffer any damage. But there were ships arriving in New York and couldn't anchor because there gear had been damaged.

10/10/2009 - 15:38 Bernard Reynolds

February 1965 we had some VIP passengers doing a round the world trip on Shell. On the return voyage from Aukland NZ to Curacao we stopped off Pitcairn Island, home to the mutineers of the Bounty, to pick up their mail. I met and have the privilage of shaking the hand of Fletcher Christians Great, Great, Great Grandson. He was the island's Radio Officer.

12/23/2008 - 11:58 Robin Buncombe

My first Joe Boat as an Appo after South Shields. Joined in New York and will never forget that the main cargo steam heating lines ran under my cabin.