
Completed 1959 as "PARTULA" for STUK as bitumen-carrier. 1981 sold to Armator Italy and renamed Lussin. 21-11-1986 arrived Gadani Beach for scrapping.

Also known as
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
19.884 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1959 to 1981
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
John Jack Raine 5th engineer 1903
Donald Travis deck apprentice 1959 to 1960 First trip on maiden voyage
Charles Tyrer 5th engineer 1959 to 1961
Roland Mackenzi... deck apprentice 1959 to 1960
George Adie deck boy 1959 to 1960
Trevor Baker apprentice engineer 1960 to 1961
David Golding Zig deck apprentice 1960 to 1961
Thomas Malcolm ... 5th engineer 1961 to 1962
Howard Fitzgerald assistant steward 1962 to 1963
Samuel Bishop deckhand (d.h.u.) 1962
Joseph Clark Murphy deck apprentice 1963 to 1964
Andy Perry deck apprentice 1963 1st trip
Chris Burls 2nd mate 1963 to 1964
Brinley Charles Ford 5th engineer 1963 to 1964
David Hopcroft radio officer 1964
David Edwards radio officer 1964 to 1965
John A. Dilks fireman/greaser 1964 to 1965
Joseph Clark Murphy deck apprentice 1964 to 1965
Mike Brown 2nd cook and baker 1965 to 1966
Maurice Mawhinn... 3rd engineer 1965 to 1966
John Chapman 3 3rd engineer 1965
Barney Boylan 2 catering boy/galley boy 1965
William Keating 5th engineer 1966 1st trip
Brian Lindo 5th engineer 1967 to 1968
Fred Ambrosius senior ordinary seaman 1967
Fred Ambrosius started jos premoted sos 1967
Mike Sadler 1 navigation cadet 1967
John Bateman deck cadet 1968 to 1969
John Mc Auley 5th engineer 1968
Nigel Draffin 1 apprentice engineer 1969
Jeffrey John Smith deck boy 1969 to 1970
John Holt 5th engineer 1969
David Starr navigation cadet 1969 to 1970
Rogerpalmer 5th engineer 1969
Bernard Sayer 5th engineer, 4th engineer 1969 joined as 5th engineer promoted 4th engineer during trip
Jim Strugnell senior ordinary seaman 1970
Douglas Richmond apprentice engineer 1970
Gareth Williams apprentice engineer 1970
Rod Selmes mechanical engineer 1970 to 1971
David Rees able seaman 1971 to 1972
Graeme Morpeth apprentice engineer 1971 to 1972
Robert Ian Fletcher 2nd engineer 1971
John Ross 3 deck cadet 1971 to 1972
David Bunn chef kok 1971
Billy Cruickshank deck boy 1971 to 1973
Michael Errington catering boy 1972
Geoffrey Welsman engineer cadet 1972
David Lloyd senior ordinary seaman 1972 to 1973
James D. Glover extra 4th engineer 1972
Daniel Smith Cowie 4th engineer 1972
Thomas Orr Graden extra 4th engineer 1972
Kevin Blackburn extra 4th engineer 1972 to 1973
Mike Brown chief steward 1973
Lyndon R Davies catering boy/galley boy 1973
Steven Watson catering boy/galley boy 1973
Billy Cruickshank efficient deckhand 1973 to 1974
Andy Payne radio officer 1973
Nigel Budd deck cadet 1973 to 1974
Bill Sanderson 5th engineer 1974
Mansel Hopkins chief engineer 1974 to 1975
Alasdair Maclean 5th engineer 1974
Jerry Keen deck cadet 1974
Dave Freeman deck cadet 1974
Mark Hughes deck cadet 1975 1st trip
John Howarth able seaman 1975 to 1976
Ronald Van Burken chief officer 1975
Andy Brown deck cadet 1975
John Pickering chef kok 1975 to 1976
Peter Anthony Cocker 2nd officer 1975
Graham Sykes catering boy 1976 to 1977
Thomas Ogle 5th engineer 1976
David Heron 2nd cook and baker 1976
Steve Kent 3rd 1977 1st trip
Nick Roberts 3rd officer 1977 1st trip
Damian Battman 5th engineer 1977
Peter Davidson 3rd mate 1977
Alasdair Maclean 3rd engineer 1977
Geoff Akehurst 2nd officer 1977
Roger Skuse radio officer 1977
Arthur Davidson efficient deckhand 1977
Tony Taylor 3rd engineer 1977 to 1978
Charles Stobbart catering offficer 1977
Herbie Battye chief officer 1977
Kevin Rowbottom junior ordinary seaman 1978 to 1979
John Holt 5th engineer 1978
Nigel Lehmann-taylor deck cadet 1978
Arwel Vaughan Bell fireman 1978
Alan Colman d.b.s. 1978
Richard Entwistle 2nd engineer 1978
Paul Joyner radio officer 1979
Gerry Hickey deck cadet 1979 to 1983
Alan Burns radio officer 1979 to 1980
Simon Humphrys deck cadet 1979 to 1980
Ian Rowlands steward 1979
Matthew Jamieson 3rd engineer 1979 to 1980
Bill Watts 5th engineer 1980
Don Shanahan 2nd cook 1980 to 1981
Gordon Macdonald engineer cadet 1980
Derek Cumming 3rd mate 1980 to 1981
Michael Turnbull engineer cadet 1980 2nd trip
Bernard Teale chief engineer 1980 to 1981
Rick Suter catering boy/galley boy 1980 to 1981 My 1st trip
Tony Breakell 3rd mate 1980
Alan Cheese catering boy/galley boy 1980 to 1981
Iain Hodgson Tiny catering boy 1980
Iain Hodgson Tiny catering boy 1980


Date Visitor Anecdote
10/07/2014 - 17:59 Nick Roberts

First Trip 3/O in 1977 (Strange how the "first trippers" got the "P" ships...?? Who thought it was a good idea to put an accommodation block over the top of bitumen tanks??? (and wasn't it strange that the air conditioning for the engineers in the aft block always seemed to keep going - but there was never the right spares for the midships A/C???)

Cargo heating was by steam. Releasing water into bitumen gives superheated steam, which if released into the cargo causes massive expansion of the cargo and spillage out of the tank onto deck. Briefing was that if this was to happen liquid "Silica Gel" (?) had to be put into the tank to absorb the water... by hand.... from old gin bottles full of the stuff kept in the midships office... Well remember walking onto the bridge at 0800 one morning to take the watch while mid atlantic... to find the bridge deserted.... eventually spotted the mate on deck throwing bottles at the tank lid of a tank belching liquid cargo onto the deck! That morning the spill was "rolled up" off the deck as it went solid.... only for another tank to "erupt" that evening!

Wonderful ships???

12/06/2012 - 23:36 Jeffrey John Smith

was a deck boy 1969-1970, difficault to remember many names,,,was a really good bunch of lads. I remember the Mad House... worth going a shore for. I was 16yrs old.. slim, fair and taned,, still have a good tan, shows how bored we must have got, we usedto save beer can pulls and link them together to make chains,,, a six inch chain would nean you are well on your way to being p~~sed. oh what fun....

05/25/2012 - 08:00 William Keating

I remember it well we had a great chief but a fart of a second engineer. Had a couple grew joined us in Dublin and they got arrested in New York or was it Sea Warren some 10 days later both had been in a fight in town both mad as hatters. The captain was sailing a desk at shell center before he was our captain out of a comic book he was.Prancing away in full regalia requesting all officer to dress in full uniform all buttoned up at the Officers Bar on board ship at sea this really pissed off us engineers, as they say a right prick!

11/06/2009 - 21:19 John Jack Raine

this was my first trip with shell joining on the 4th feb 1963 paid off on the16th december1963, the delights of this voyage was the so called "tank diving" not a pleasant chore