
Completed 1985 as "SPECTRUM" for Shell Tankers Rotterdam. Number two from five S-class crude carriers. 1997 as "SPECTRUM" for STASCo. 2004 sold to Barclay Shipping Greece as Archon. 2006 sold to PetroProd Norway to rebuilt as a hulktanker. Renamed to Arc in 2007. 2008 renamed Petropod 1 FPSO. 2009 renamed Arc II. 2010 sold to Teekay Petrojarl. 2012 to Capital Maritime Greece and renamed FPSO Cidade de Itajai.

Also known as
Petropod 1
Arc II
Cidade de Itajai
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
105.383 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1985 to 2004
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Wiebe De Vries steward 1983
Willy Fenstra steward 1984 to 1985
Jacques Pronk wachtassistent 1985 to 1986
Willem Kramer 3rd engineer 1985 to 1986
A. Verbunt 2 beko 1985 to 1986
Angelo Pervoost aankomend scheepsvakman 1985 to 1986
Gert Van Driel hoofd voeding 1985 to 1986
Karel Schefferlie aankomend scheepsvakman 1985
Willy Fenstra steward 1985 to 1986
Gerlof T. Mebius radio officer 1985 to 1986
Frans Koens superintendant new building 1985
Philipp Walter ... scheepsgezel algemene werkploeg 1986
Marco Schiphorst aankomend scheepsvakman 1986
Chris Slieker 2 1e stuurman 1986 to 1987
Karel Schefferlie aankomend scheepsvakman 1986 to 1987
Hans Van Hoeven st 1986 to 1994
Rene De Jong ships technician 1986 to 1987
Taco Neven sgo (semi geïntegreerd officier) 1986 to 1987
Fred Van Der Vorm 2nd engineer 1986 to 1987
J. Broekmeijer 1e stuurman 1986
Kees Roelvink scheepstechnicus 1986
Raphael Gallis sgo (semi geïntegreerd officier) 1986
Wolf Beekman chief officer 1987 to 1988
Frank Tullmann hoofd voeding 1987 to 1988
Willem Klein scheepsvakman 1 1987 to 1988
Pieter Stegeman sgo (semi geïntegreerd officier) 1987
Ronald Mooring sgo (semi geïntegreerd officier) 1987
Jos Kremer sgo (semi geïntegreerd officier) 1988
Pieter Stegeman sgo (semi geïntegreerd officier) 1988
Hans Cornelissen st 1988 to 1992
Frans Koens chief engineer 1988
Piet Veijgen radio officer 1988 to 1989
Jean-pierre Ijzerman sgo (semi geïntegreerd officier) 1988
Lieuwe Thibaudier hoofd voeding 1988
Michiel Zoethout sgo (semi geïntegreerd officier) 1989
Ko Minnaard stagiaire 1989
Fortanier Rob 4th engineer 1989
Richard Stroet Tico ships technician 1989
Rijk Roor mo 2 1989 to 1990
Simon Gieling scheepstechnicus 1989 to 1992
Jan Dallmeijer sst 1990
Henri Van Den E... mo 4 1990
Alphons Fluitsma 2nd engineer 1990
Rene Hendriks 1e stuurman 1990 to 1991
John Kalkman hoofdwerktuigkundige 1991
Jan Roosenburg hoofd voeding 1991
Hans Cornelissen st 1991
Barbara Toemen ... maritime officer 3 1992 to 1994 maritime officer 2 and 3
Robert Spit mo 1992 to 1993
Pieter Toemen mo 3, mo 2 1992 to 1996
C.f. Van Der Ende hoofd voeding 1992
Jan Derk Kampinga maritime officer 3 1993 to 1996
Egbert Harm Epp... st 1993
Martin Schuurs ships technician 1993
Rijnder De Boer captain (commanding officer) 1993 to 1994
Geert-jan Feringa maritime officer 3 1993 to 1994
Wilh. C. Moll captain (commanding officer) 1993
PatrickdeJong chief mate 1993 Promoted onboard from MO2 to C/O after 6 weeks
PatrickdeJong Maritime Officer 2 1993
Jan Schaap mo 4 1993
Patrick De Jong 1e stuurman 1993
Eric Visser leerling 1994 to 1995
Mohamad Tohir Laisa safety officer 1994
Patrick Wits leerling 1994 to 1995
Rene Hendriks 1e stuurman 1994 to 1995
Folkert Visser leerling 1994 to 1995
Roel Dijkstra master 1995 to 1996
Geert Bos apprentice maritiem officier 1995
Alex Eijgenraam chief officer 1995
Paul Borsboom cadet 1995
Alex Eijgenraam mo 2 1996
Peter Wessel cadet 1996
Hans Meijer mo 1 1996
Raymond Bosselaar cadet 1996 My first vessel!
Rients Agema master 1996
Levien Bijl maritime officer 3 1997
Geoff Donnelly captain (commanding officer) 1997 to 1998
Mike Maloney 3rd engineer 1997 to 1998
Tom Murphy marine cadet 1997
Gerrit Jan Harlaar 2nd engineer 1997
Barend Crum captain (commanding officer) 1997
Martin Schuurs supernumerary 1998
Alvin Say 3rd officer 1998 First Trip 3rd Officer. Sailed Capt. Arie Boot and Capt. Devries
Peter Reemeyer 3rd engineer 1999
Rients Agema master 1999 to 2000
Philip Tweddle chief officer 1999
Norman F. Ojo senior chief cook 2000 to 2001
Rob Niezing hoofdwerktuigkundige 2000
Peter Van De Bunt 1 aankomend scheepsvakman 2000 to 2002
David Beeston chief engineer 2001
Malik Tanveer Rehmat electrical/electronic officer 2001 to 2002
Mukhtar Ahmed Bhatti chief officer 2003
Saurabh Saraswat 1 3rd officer 2003 to 2004
Syed A Ahmed 2nd officer 2003 to 2004
Muhammad Usman 4th engineer 2003 to 2004
Vedran Kolanovic master 2003 to 2004
Muhammad Irfan 3rd engineer 2003
Irwin Sequeira chief officer 2004
Muhammad Usman 4th engineer 2004 to 2005
Zdenko Slade 1 2nd engineer 2004
Michael Sanchez 3rd engineer 2004 to 2005
M. Salman Khan 4th engineer 2004
Arivarasu Padmanaban electrician 2011 to 2012 electrical technician


Date Visitor Anecdote
12/26/2011 - 23:38 Tom Murphy

I joined here with 2 other final phase Marine Cadets, Derek Gray and Johnathan Wilson after the ship suffered a major ER fire off the coast of Japan. I remember it had been a thermal oil heater (she had these instead of steam boilers) FO pipe cracked on top of the unit and cascaded down the outer casing and ignited big time! Gutted the complete funnel casing, I still have the pics!

Would love to hear form anyone that knows me or was onboard or recollects this incident.
