
Completed 1957 as "ZENATIA" for STUK. 1966 jumboising from 38.390 ton to 71.175 ton by Kure Zosen. Bridge moved from midships to aft. 1975 laid-up in Brunei Bay. 1-4-1976 arrived at Kaohsiung for scrap.

IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
71.175 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1957 to 1976
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Chris Matthews apprentice engineer 1957
Alan Barham deckhand 1957 to 1958
Dick Spearman engineer 1957 to 1958 5th, extra 4th and 4th engineer
Brian Hastie catering boy 1957
Peter O'donnell catering department 1958
Malcolm Rathbone apprentice engineer 1958
David Revis deck apprentice 1958
Ian F Guthrie deck apprentice 1958
P. M. Hodgson extra 4th engineer 1958
Ray Carlson apprentice engineer 1959 to 1960
Ian Kenworthy deck apprentice 1959
Matthew Oddie apprentice engineer 1959
John Michael Reeve engineer cadet apprentice 1959 to 1960
Phil Hughes junior ordinary seaman 1959 to 1960
Neil W. Ogilvie 3rd engineer 1959 to 1960
Richard Howatson 2 4th mate 1960
Tom Galloway deck apprentice 1960
Roland Beckett junior engineer 1960 to 1957
Robin Ritchie engineer cadet 1961 to 1962
Douglas M.C. Renton 2nd mate 1961 to 1962
John Robinson 2nd officer 1961
Alan Walter Nash 4th engineer, 3rd engineer 1961 to 1962
William M Wood 5th engineer 1962 to 1963
Mike Evans 2nd engineer 1962 to 1963
Jim Lakeman 5th engineer 1963
John P M Cusson 2nd officer 1963
Derek Jackson 5th engineer 1963
Ian Hamilton radio officer 1963 to 1966
David Bunting radio officer 1964 to 1965 radio officer - marconi marine
Jack Beaumont 2nd mate 1965
Bernard Reynolds chief officer 1966 to 1975 2nd mate 1966 (jumboised) chief officer
David Else 2nd engineer 1967 to 1968
Stephen G Whalley 2nd radio officer 1967
Desmond Doyle master 1967
David Else chief engineer 1968 to 1969
D.s. Cook chief engineer 1968
Nigel Draffin 1 apprentice engineer 1968 to 1969
Peter B. Pamment 2nd officer 1968
A. Peter Colema... 3rd engineer 1969 to 1970
John Bruce 3rd mate 1969 to 1970
Ian M. Bromley 2nd mate 1969 to 1970
Howarth John junior radio officer 1969 to 1970
Rogerpalmer 4th engineer 1969 to 1970
Michael Marsh apprentice engineer 1970
Dave Olpin apprentice engineer 1970
Les Rhodes apprentice engineer 1970
Arthur Roy engineer cadet 1970
BryanJ Engineer apprentice 1971 First ever trip after Southshields phase1
Steve Czerwionka 4th engineer 1971
John Ross 2 2nd mate 1971 to 1972
David Cumming 4th 1971
Peter Copeland deck cadet 1972
Joe Collins deck cadet 1972 to 1973 My very first trip - joined Rotterdam on 04 Dec 72. Captain Charles Skelton. Paid off in Fredericia, Denmark on 08 May 73
Ron Frend cadet 1972
Charlie Pridham deck cadet 1973
Bob Norton engineer cadet (engineer cadet and slave) 1973
Phil Hutchins engineer cadet 1973
Donald Travis chief officer 1973
Ricky Baird Jnr R/O 1973 My 1st trip at sea. Joined in GOTHENBURG Feb'73 & paid off in Rotterdam July'73.
Charles Stobbart catering offficer 1974
Ben Palmer deck cadet 1974
Robin Ritchie chief engineer 1974 to 1975
Ian Jones engineer cadet 1975
Thomas Malcolm ... 3rd engineer 1975


Date Visitor Anecdote
03/05/2016 - 18:07 Alan Barham

I sails on the Zenatia on her second voyage from the UK out ShellHaven. She was one of the biggest ships of
The Day

10/27/2009 - 00:18 John Melville

This was my fathers (John B Melville) last ship (1964-1966) prior to his retirement. He sailed on her as Chief Engineer while offshore Halul Island, Qatar. From Qatar she went up into the Mediteranean (Italy I Believe) prior to going to Japan for jumboising. Where he paid off.

I have pictures covering the jumboising. If anyone was interested, I could try to scan them.

10/18/2009 - 14:15 Bernard Reynolds

I joined the Zenatia in Kure shipyard when she was being jumboised supposedly a month before she was due sail. My job was to bring all the charts and nautical publications up to date. We stayed at the Yamato Hotel which a few years later burnt down, there is now a new hotel of this name. It was 3 months before we sailed. After I had been there a month the Company upped our local living allowance from ?3 to ?5 per day and back paid us. With the bonus I was able to buy a SRL camers with telephoto lens. It was an experiance visiting Hiroshima Atomic Park and museum.
I later sailed as Chief Officer, Willy Cairns was Master. He had a reputation for eating Chief Officers for breakfast but I got on with him very well. We had been to Teesport where we also took annual stores which I had to look after as well as the discharge. It was the 2nd Engineers home port and the C/E took no interest. After we cleared the Englash Channel, Willy knocked me off for 3 days while he and a Cadet did my watch, much to my protest. He kept asking me things about the ship which I was able to answer. He says to me one day "I have never met a Chief Officer who knows so much about the ship". I replied that it was normal for the Chief Officer to know about the ship. I was on a new discharge book so it didn't have any record of my ships as 2nd mate. Sometime later he comes up to the bridge and says "You bugger, I have just found out why you know so much about this ship". He had gone through the old "compass observation books" and had come across my signature. We had a good laugh about it.

05/08/2009 - 17:06 Ian Kenworthy

On board when she deviated from the Gulf run for the first time and went to Singapore. I was in the last year of my apprenticeship and paid off in Singapore and appointed as Acting Third Mate on MV Bursa. Great excitement! Watchkeeping officer at only 19 Yrs Old!