Girard Jacques


Period Tanker Job Details Action
1955 to 1963 IRIDINA chief engineer chief engener when the ship was built and was gas carrier
1965 to 1966 DOLABELLA (2) superintendant new building ist ship build as newbulding superintendant
1972 to 1973 LATONA ingenieur d'armement constructions neuves
1973 to 1975 LABIOSA (2) superintendant new building
1973 to 1975 LEDA superintendant new building superintendant construction neuves
1974 to 1975 LUCINA (1) ingenieur d'armement constructions neuves
1974 to 1975 LATIRUS (2) ingenieur d'armement constructions neuves
1974 to 1976 LATIA (2) superintendant new building
1976 BELLAMYA superintendent new building superintendant during all the construction