Mike Parkin

Guestbook messages

Date Message
12/21/2004 - 22:06 Just found your site! Keep up the good work, it's much appreciated. Hope to hear from a few other Shell Tankermen! Mike Parkin


Period Tanker Job Details Action
1957 HAUSTELLUM deck apprentice 1st ship...joined Jarrow, left Falmouth layup. Only 10 days on board!
1957 to 1958 TOMOGERUS ex. SWAN ISLAND deck apprentice 2nd. Ship. Joined Cardiff d/d. Broke down two days out and towed into Falmouth...Somebody telling me something? Jonah? Subsequently sailed for Cardon.
1958 to 1959 NEOTHYRIS deck apprentice
1958 HELDIA deck apprentice
1958 CAPRELLA (3) deck apprentice
1960 to 1961 HALIA (1) deck apprentice
1960 HEMISINUS deck apprentice
1960 VOLSELLA (2) deck apprentice
1962 to 1963 HOROMYA 3rd mate
1963 to 1964 VOLVATELLA 3rd mate
1964 VOLUTA 3rd mate
1964 to 1965 METHANE PRINCESS (1) 3rd mate
1964 ARIANTA (1) extra 3rd mate
1965 to 1966 ACHATINA (2) 2nd mate
1966 OSCILLA (2) 2nd mate
1967 DORCASIA (2) 2nd mate
1968 MARISA (3) 2nd mate
1968 to 1969 ALINDA ex. SAN ERNESTO 2nd mate
1969 HASTULA (1) ex. SAN FABIAN chief officer
1970 VALVATA ex. SAN CONRADO chief officer
1970 ACHATINA (2) chief mate