Shaun Bromwell

Guestbook messages

Date Message
09/02/2013 - 11:33 Ahoy ! Is there anyone out there who sailed on the SS Aulica in 82 on the south America run?


Period Tanker Job Details Action
1980 to 1981 LINGA (2) deckhand
1981 to 1982 AULICA deckhand
1982 to 1983 PALUDINA (3) deckhand
1983 to 1984 TRIBULUS (2) deckhand


Tanker Anecdote Post date Action

Best trip of my career. Very happy 'party-minded' crew. Best bunch of pirates I ever sailed with.

09/02/2013 - 18:19

She was my first trip. Straight out of the Peanut Factory at Gravesend in 1980 I was 'shang-hai-ed' by the pool being told I would join her in Savannah.

09/02/2013 - 17:45

Joined on my 19th birthday at Gibraltar. Great crew. Carried bitumen between the West Indies and Kuwait on a contract to build the Trans-Arabian highway.

09/02/2013 - 18:02

Went global lugging coal on this new, yet ill fated crock in 1983. Joined in Aabenrae via a Dan-Dare flight from London to Copenhagen. From Denmark we headed for Virginia.

09/02/2013 - 12:24