Thomas P. Hughes


Period Tanker Job Details Action
1963 CAPULONIX apprentice first trip to sea
1964 HANETIA apprentice second trip
1965 HYDATINA apprentice Thrid trip to sea
1965 VARICELLA apprentice Transit home
1966 OSCILLA (2) deck cadet deck apprectice, then deck cadet
1967 VARICELLA 3rd officer 1st trip
1967 to 1968 AMASTRA (2) 3rd officer
1968 to 1969 VEXILLA 3rd officer
1969 to 1970 HEMIPLECTA 3rd officer
1970 VIBEX 2nd officer first trip
1971 VERTAGUS 2nd officer
1972 HIMA 2nd officer
1972 HALIA (1) 2nd officer
1973 MYSIA extra chief officer
1973 VERCONELLA chief officer
1974 MITRA (3) chief officer
1975 ACHATINA (2) chief officer
1975 MELANIA (2) chief officer
1975 to 1976 HEMIMACTRA chief officer
1976 LIMNEA (3) chief officer
1976 to 1977 LEPETA chief officer
1984 DRUPA (2) extra chief officer
1984 NORTHIA (2) chief officer
1984 NORTHIA (2) chief officer
1984 to 1985 BUBUK chief officer
1985 GOULDIA (2) chief officer
1985 TENAGA DUA chief officer
1985 to 1986 TENAGA SATU chief officer
1986 to 1987 TENAGA TIGA chief officer
1987 LANISTES master
1987 to 1988 LAMPAS (2) master
1988 NATICINA (2) master
1989 ERVILIA master
1989 to 1990 TENAGA EMPAT master
1990 TRIBULUS (2) shore liasion at Bantry Bay
1990 BEKALANG master
1991 BELAIS master
1991 to 1992 LNG FINIMA master
1992 to 1993 LNG FINIMA master
1993 to 1994 LNG BONNY master
1994 LNG FINIMA master
1994 to 1995 LNG BONNY master
1995 LNG FINIMA master
1996 LNG BONNY master
1996 BEKULAN master
1997 to 1998 BILIS master


Tanker Anecdote Post date Action

Joined Singapore while vessel was refitting alongside at Kepple Singapore following ER flooding in Vietnam.

09/15/2011 - 17:02

Rescued 102 Vietnamese refugees in South China Sea.

09/15/2011 - 18:48

Joined in Brunei Bay April 1976 when vessel had been laid up straight from the builders.

09/15/2011 - 17:32

Vessel to Labuan for short term layup.

09/15/2011 - 19:01

Gulf War; Trading Arabian Gulf to Port Dickson, Malaysia.

09/15/2011 - 18:45

'Oscilla' refitted at Malta and had flume stabilisation fitted for trial.

09/15/2011 - 16:39

Drydocked at Falmouth. Cecil George Bradley as Master.

09/15/2011 - 16:47

June 1970. Departed Durban for Arabian Gulf. En-route, one boiler failed due salt water contamination. Second boiler subsequently failed. Intermittent power.

03/07/2012 - 23:13